b'We are on the Verge of Transforming Wheat TREVOR BLOISDISEASE DIAGNOSTICIAN SUPERVISOR, 20/20 SEED LABSWE ARE AT an exciting time in wheatespecially because we have access to more knowledge andTrevor@2020seedlabs.cominformation than I had when I started out in2020seedlabs.com2002. Its exploding. Wheat has come of age in terms of genetic and genomic technologies that can assist breed-ers. These tools can be applied to a range ofA DNA Test is Your Best traits we select for. Were throwing everything we have at the fusarium head blight problem and thinkingWeapon Against Fusariumoutside of the box. That speaks to the integrated approach we use for breedinggermplasm, disease nurseries, and genomic tools.IN MOVIES, the police always do DNA tests to identify their suspect. When I started as a breeder 16 years ago,It works every time, of course, and by the end they have their man.only a couple durum varieties had been releasedIn the fight against fusarium head blight, a DNA test helps you in the history of the Crop Development Centre.get your man every time. We very quickly turned that around and in 16In cereals, FHB can be caused by four different fusarium spe-years have released 14 new varieties of durum. cies. The DNA test specifically detects F. graminearum, which is of Our recipe for success is a combination ofparticular concern due to its aggressive nature.thingsexcellent infrastructure, our germ- In 2019, we saw the second-highest number of positive test plasm, and our people. Our success is also theresults for FHB since 2016. 15% of samples are testing positive result of the CDCs unique makeup. We are ain Alberta across all crop types. Were really seeing an increase unit within the Department of Plant Sciencesin FHB in wheat and barley. This correlates with where we are and the College of Agriculture and Bioresourcesseeing the fusarium being distributed in the province.at the University of Saskatchewan.Why is a DNA test so important? It offers you more information. This gives me access to knowledge andConsidering Alberta currently has a zero-tolerance policy against expertisephysiologists, statisticians andfusarium presence in seed when identified by a conventional plate pathologists, all under one roof. Im able totest, its crucial to know if you might have a potential problem. leverage a whole range ofexpertise that otherThe DNA test analyzes 400 to 600 seeds, compared to only breeding centres may not have access to 200 seeds for conventional culture plate testing. When a plate test and also leverage international relationships.comes out negative for fusarium, it can in rare cases still come out As a part of the Wheat Genome Sequencingpositive with a DNA test. If it does, this means very low levels of Consortium, my team and I helped crack thefusarium are present.genomes of three wheat species and open theIn this instance, you can still use the seed, but you have the door to unlocking the potential this crop has. added insight that its present in your area and the seed has been We are on the brink ofexposed in some way. Seed treatment is recommended in those transforming wheat as acases, so that low-level late-season surface infection can be man-crop.aged better.Stay tuned for bigThe DNA method offers:things to come. Larger sample analysis. Using two to three times the amount of seed than is used in other tests gives more accurate results. Greater sensitivity. The process recognizes and amplifies CURTIS POZNIAK DNA sequences that are unique to F. graminearum and reliably detects as few as eight cells of the fungus.WHEAT BREEDER, CROP Faster diagnosis. The presence of the fungus can be detected DEVELOPMENT CENTRE in as little as 24 hoursa quarter of the time it takes to do con-Curtis.Pozniak@usask.ca ventional plate testing. @CurtisPozniak The increased sample size, test sensitivity and specificity agbio.usask.ca/cdc provide for lower testing errors and greater confidence in results. Knowledge is power, and you can protect both yourself and your neighbours by using a DNA test to detect fusarium in your seed.24GERMINATION.CA JANUARY 2020'