b'SALUTING THE STARS OF PLANT BREEDINGThe Canadian Plant Breeding Innovation (CPBI) Awards debut by awarding one barley variety, a wheat breeder and three up-and-coming young scientists.Marc ZienkiewiczWITH THE COMMONgoals ofRecognizing up-and-coming recognizing achievement andyoung plant breeders APPLY NOW FOR NEXTinnovation in plant breed-Seed of the Year YEARS AWARDS!ing and shining a spotlightHonouring the accomplish-on the contributions made byments of one seed breeder andWant to apply for Seed of the Year or the plant breeders in Canada, thetheir chosen variety, with the Canadian Plant Breeding andintention of bolstering knowl- Canadian Plant Breeding & Genetics Award? Genetics Award and the Seededge of the importance ofVisit germination.ca/cpbi-awards/ for info. If of the Year program have comebreeding programs in Canada you are a student at the University of Alberta, together to form the Canadian Canadian Plant BreedingUniversity of Guelph, University of Manitoba or Plant Breeding Innovationand Genetics Award the University of Saskatchewan and wish to be (CPBI) Awards program. Presented annually to a publica CPBI Scholar, watch for application availability The CPBI Awards are anor private sector researcherat your university. Each season, scholarship opportunity to recognize plantwho has made a significantapplications will be posted at the universities by breeders at various stages incontribution to the advance- late summer with applications due by Oct. 31.their careers. The collectivement of Canadian plant agricul-new package of awards wasture through research in plant formally announced in late 2019breeding and geneticsat the Canadian Seed TradeWe present to you this Association semi-annual meet- years recipients, who will be ing in Calgary, Alta. formally presented with their It is broken down into theawards and scholarships in following components: 2020. Congratulations to all andCPBI Innovationthank-you to the wonderful Scholarships (formerly Seedsponsors below, who make it of the Year scholarships) all possible!14GERMINATION.CA JANUARY 2020'