b'A NEW TOOL HELPING YOU IN THE REALM OF RETAIL SEED SALES.FOSTERING MENTAL HEALTH IN AGRICULTURE AND THE WORKPLACEHow do we create an industry where mental health is talked about and stigma is eliminated? Marc ZienkiewiczA lot of emphasis has been put on mentalHow do we encourage that?health in agriculture these past few years.Its very individualized and requires Why is that?prolonged progressive changes that we Dr. Andria Jones-Bitton with the Universityhave to make as an industry and society. of Guelph conducted the National SurveyFirst, we have to understand what mental Adelle Stewart of Farmer Mental Health from Sept 2015 toillness is. It involves a range of conditions Executive Director Jan 2016 and included farmers from across common types include mood disor-Do More AgricultureCanada. The results showed:ders (depression and bipolar disorder), Foundation 35% of respondents meet the defini- anxiety disorders (including panic attacks, Adelle was born andtion for depression classification Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, and Post-raised in Saskatchewan,45% of respondents were classified asTraumatic Stress Disorder), and finally and lives on a small ranchhaving high stress substance abuse disorders.outside of Saskatoon.58% of respondents meet the defini-She brings over 20 yearstion for anxiety classification What makes stress in farming andexperience in mental health,The most concerning number out ofagriculture unique?workshop facilitation,all the stats you see is that 40% of farmersFor a lot of people, agriculture and farm-disability management,would feel uneasy about seeking profes- ing are a lifestyle. Many people dont just human resources as wellsional help because of what people mightleave their work in the field and then go as operational efficiency,think. However, this also tells us that 60%home at the end of the day and forget strategy, and marketing to herwould seek help. Now how do we get thatabout it. They feel a lack of control over position with Do More Ag. 60% number to 100%, to make all producersthingsag policy and trade, weather. realize they are not alone, and they have anIts hard to be flexible as well as strategic, entire industry behind them? In Canada, ourbut in ag you have to be both. Secondly, reporting for farm suicides is lacking, but intheres a big stigma around mental illness. the U.S., farmers are twice as likely to die by suicide than the rest of the population.How do we begin the conversation to helpone another?What is the Do More Ag Foundation? Its important to support others within We are a Canada-wide not-for-profit organi- your means. If youre certified in mental zation focusing on mental health in ag. Wehealth first aid, you can use some of those are champions for the mental wellbeing ofstrategies to help the other person deter-all Canadian producers and envision a cul- mine what sort of assistance they require. ture in agriculture where all producers areIts in our nature to want to fix things, but encouraged and supported to take care ofits important to just listen and we can their mental wellbeing. Do More Ag oper- help the person access resources.ates under three mental health literacy pil-lars: talk more, ask more and listen more.30GERMINATION.CA JANUARY 2020'