b'How do stress and mental health challengesning ahead we can often reduce our impact the workplace, be it out in the field, instress.a warehouse, office, or another setting?S top comparing: in this age of social When our mental health is being chal- media, its very easy to think our lenged, whether it be from unhealthy stress,own life is somehow not as good Cynthia Beck physical illness, or mental illness, it canas other peoples lives.Rural Suicide Interventionalso impact us on the job in a number of F actual self-talk: we often lie to Responder and Farmer ways. Overall, two main areas affected are: ourselves thinking, for example, non-Cynthia is a clinical psychology CommunicationIt is difficult tofactual all-or-nothing thoughts like, masters student at theregulate or balance our emotions whenIll never get this crop off the field University of Regina. Her familyexperiencing difficulty with our mentalor by telling ourselves another story operates a 350-head cowherdhealth. We may also perceive or misinter- that simply isnt accurate.and farm 6,000 acres ofpret situations or conversations with our Realistic list to accomplish: dont try grainland. co-workers as more negative. That combi- to do it all in one day. Set goals that nation of negative perceptions and off- you can actually accomplish.balance emotions really poses a challenge Talk to a trusted person: dont bottle to healthy, clear communication.things up. Talk to a loved one, aSafetyOur ability to concentratefriend or a co-worker you trust.is greatly affected by poor mental health. This lack of concentration can turn into a safety issue. If you work in a warehouse operating heavy equipment, for example, and your concentration is affected, how well you operate that equipment and your awareness for people or things in your work environment will also be affected.USE THINKING TIME WISELY. BY What are other signs of decreasing mentalPLANNING AHEAD WE CAN OFTEN health that we can look for in loved ones and co-workers? REDUCE OUR STRESS.In order to notice the signs, we need to be Cynthia Beckaware and pay attention to the people in our environment. You may notice changes in eating and sleeping habits; changes in mood; withdrawing from people; poor decisions or impaired judgement. People usually provide signs that something is not OK with them or that their mental health is deteriorating. Being aware of the peopleThat last part can be difficult for people. How around you is a great skill to cultivate. can it be made easier?Communication and self-awareness are the What are some good self-care techniques wemost important factors in fostering mental can practice? health. Talking about mental health, or There are several: how one is feeling mentally or emotion-Fueling our body properly: goodally, can make people uncomfortable nutrition and being hydrated are both for the person telling and for the important. person listening. The discomfort comesAdequate sleep: lack of sleep canfrom these types of conversations being trigger or exacerbate mental healthunfamiliar to us. Yet, if someone had a issues. broken leg you wouldnt ignore themS elf-awareness: learn to recognizebecause its uncomfortable for you to see when you are over stressed or mightsomeone having a tough time. If you had be experiencing a mental healtha broken leg yourself, you wouldnt ignore issue. it. Mental health is no different than physi-Use thinking time wisely: by plan- cal health. JANUARY 2020 GERMINATION.CA 31'