b'January 2020ContentsFEATURES AT SOME POINT WE NEED TO04Giant Views: Viva la Revolucin!08Giant Highlights REALIZE THAT WE DO NEED TO MOVE 12 The Frostier the Flower, the More Potent the Cannabis FORWARD WITH THIS AND WE NEED14 Saluting the Stars of Plant Breeding TO DO IT IN GOOD FAITHAND 38 4 Things to Know About Baijiu40 Bolstering Breeders Through Training REALIZE THE OTHER ORGANIZATIONS 46 Breeding for the Bioeconomy HAVE NO HIDDEN MOTIVES AND NEITHER SHOULD WE.PERSPECTIVESDan Curtis / 0410 CSAAC28 CSGA36 CSI49 CSTA56 Giant ViewsDEPARTMENTS30 Retail Roundtable50Cross Pollination52 World Status54 The HeadlinesSPECIAL SECTIONS23 INSIDERSON THE COVERWhat would you do with $10 million to make the world better? Valerio Hoyos-Villegas of McGill University knows how hed make use of the money. He tells us his big idea starting on page 40. Cover photo by Vadim Daniel/vadimdaniel.comJANUARY 2020GERMINATION.CA 1'