b'You coach families in better communication.emailed me and said, Im not sleeping Whats a big piece of advice you have for themand making good decisions. I asked him when tackling stress? when the last time he saw his doctor was. A mindset shift is critical. Yes, farming isHe said he didnt have a doctor. So, I 24/7 business in some ways but not inencouraged him to find one. He emailed Elaine Froese other ways. The mindset shift comes withthree weeks later saying he discovered he Professional Speaker,the saying, Theres no badge of honourhad a thyroid problem and sleep apnea. Certified Farm Transitionfor living a stressful life. Workaholism inGood physical care and good mental Communication Expert agriculture is no longer a badge of honourhealth can go hand-in-hand.Elaine helps farm familieslike it might once have been. Challenge work through issueswhat you believe to be true about howWhat are some ways that employers can surrounding succession,you think about your work. Mental healthfoster good mental health in a workplace business and that old familyis about both recognizing where you aresetting?favouritecommunication.at and helping one another be success- I often say culture beats strategy. This She is also a farm partnerful. Where is it written that farmers havereally applies to the workplace environ-in Froese Family Farms nearto work every day? What is the story youment. What is your culture? I believe in Boissevain in southwesternare telling yourself? Once we can get atransparency, getting help and getting Manitoba. Together theclearer internal picture of who we are, weconnected. In our farming family, we talk family operates Boissevaincan begin to tackle things that we leaveabout mental healthits an open con-Select Seeds. Her website isunresolved and cause stress. versation. Theres a genetic connection in elainefroese.com. my family when it comes to predisposition So in essence youre saying its crucial wetoward mental illness. I myself suffered communicate to ourselves as well as others. from postpartum depression, spending Like Cynthia said, self-talk is so crucial.much of 1984 in a mental health facility. The internal stories we tell ourselves affectOpen discussion is the glue that holds the our resilience, our ability to bounce backworkplace and farm team together. When from everyday stressors. Thats where goodwe finished our wheat and cereal crops mental health begins and helps us makeon the farm this past season, everyone good decisions that can often help us shedgot a milkshake and we celebrated the more light on our health in general. fact we got the grain in the bin. No one is an island. We are all connected to one What do you mean? another. Its crucial to celebrate that and Not long ago a farmer in Saskatchewanget the conversation going. Watch our entire Retail Roundtable webinar on this topic!Visit germination.ca/category/retail-roundtable/SUPPORTED BY: ENDORSED BY:32GERMINATION.CA JANUARY 2020'