b'SPARKING A WINTER WHEAT REVOLUTIONRob Graf has emerged as one of Canadas preeminent wheat breeders. He will receive the Canadian Plant Breeding & Genetics Award for his efforts. ROB GRAF HAS always been the crea- presented annually to a public or tive type. private sector researcher who has When he was in high school, hemade a significant contribution to played in a family band. He hasntthe advancement of Canadian plant picked up his trumpet in years, butagriculture through research in plant he has fond memories of being abreeding and genetics.member of The Happy Hearts, whichTo say Graf has made a significant included his parents, brothers andcontribution to the world of wheat sister who played wedding receptionswould be an understatement.and other events in the region aroundRobs practical approach to plant Humboldt, Sask., where he grew up. breedingknowing whats best for His musical interests gave way tofarmerscombined with his employ-a career in plant breeding, but hising new traits and techniques to his creative talents have spread to hisbreeding program, have resulted in not breeding work and he has becomeonly accelerated agronomic perfor-known as one of Canadas preeminentmance of winter wheat in Western innovators in wheat breedingsoCanada, but also tremendous advance-much so that he has been selected toments in disease resistance and grain receive the Canadian Plant Breedingquality, says Todd Hyra, western busi-and Genetics Award in 2020. ness manager for SeCan.The award, sponsored byIn 2019, Grafs varieties repre-Germination with the board of thesented 80% of the planted acres Canadian Seed Trade AssociationRob Graf is the recipient of this years Canadianfor milling quality winter wheat in (CSTA) selecting the winner, isPlant Breeding & Genetics Award. Western Canada.20GERMINATION.CA JANUARY 2020'