b'BRIAN BURNEYKETTY NILSSON PRESIDENT/CEO,OLIVER MANUFACTURINGPRESIDENT, NOROGARD Brian.Burney@olivermanufacturing.comketty@norogard.comolivermanufacturing.com @NoroGardABnorogard.comMy Oliver StoryWho do YOU Call whenIM NOT SURE if its harder to start a company Things Hit the Fan? from ground zero or to follow in the foot-steps of your father and great-grandfather. No doubt, each is challenging but in differ-WE HAVE THE benefit of doing business in growing markets likeent ways. Some might say I got lucky, and Asia. As I write this I am in South Korea to install seed coatingthe truth of the matter is I did. I had the equipment in five new seed plants for pelletizing. luxury of literally growing up in the industry Seed plants in growing markets often have very little experienceand have worked through each area of the with and knowledge of seed coating issues like pelletizing.company.It goes like this: The seed company has invested in new equip- My dad and I shared not just a love for ment and they expect a delivery experience very close to plug- metal, speed and cars, but love for the Oliver and-play. Often, we enter the facility for start-up only to findcompany. Oliver is my home. Just as I grew the seed coater not only uninstalled, but also still waiting in thefrom a young boy to a fearless teenager and delivery box on the floor.then into adulthood, Oliver, too, has evolved We usually try to be helpful to get the wiring completed since with the technology, with its customers we have traveled so far. As soon as the panel is connected, we areand with the economy. I was at the ground set for our start-up. This means that our technician calibrates thelevel and Im thankful to have that history machine and makes sure that everything is set. and that perspective.After that, its time to train the designated operatoroften anBut with luck comes a lot of blood, sweat unexperienced but loyal employee who has the trust account toand tears. Times havent always been easy. operate this precious investment, but little or no experience in doingIn fact, they can be like a punch to the so. This person can feel a lot of pressure. gut making you keel over gasping for air. What usually happens when we start up the engines is that aThrough the years, weve dealt with a fire, lot of people come out for the momentous eventco-workers,a long down market, tariffs on steel and the office workers, neighbours, and also managers from other seedloss of key employees. The list goes onplants around the country.no different from any other company. We use this occasion as an opportunity to start training theThere are times when Im unsure what operator in how to build the recipe, add ingredients, and workour next step should be. What Ive learned the machine. Pelletizing is a bit tricky to master, so the first batchis youve got to keep your head up and your often ends up lacking in quality. eyes on the horizon, looking for that next This is when things hit the fan. The operator often feels someopportunity. And if you focus on the cus-pressure from this, considering a crowd is present to see it. Histomer, the rest will fall into place.stress builds up and he can often get discouraged. Oliver is my familyliterally, but also In this situation our technician continues to fine-tune thethe customers, the employees and all those machine and assure everyone this is a normal part of the process. in the supply chain. Some of these long-As soon as the batch of perfect uniform pellets is dischargedstanding relationships go back decades and from the coater, everything changes. We see big smiles that confirmwere established by my dad or my great-the machine has exceeded all their wildest expectations. Picturesgrandfather. We aim to not only meet but are taken and happy phone calls to management are made. exceed expectations, no matter the need. The more you learn, the more you realize how little you know.We will deliver quality, not just something This is where we explain to the operator how long its going takethats going to do the job, but equipment that for him to gain expertise and be a professional at his craft. Thisis efficient, durable and that will stand the is also the moment when we announce that NoroGard offers freetest of timejust like Oliver Manufacturing lifetime support.and like my great-grandfather and father did That, dear reader, is how we build long-term relationships andbefore me.grow stronger on the global market.JANUARY 2020 GERMINATION.CA 27'