b'In terms of how difficult it is to breed for higher oilWith regard to which bioeconomy soybean traits are production, Eynck says its similarly challenging to canolaneeded, Roe says most lubricant manufacturers want an as these crops are closely related, have the same ploidyoleic content above 75 per cent and further-reduced satu-level and share a genome. She notes that carinata breed- rates and linoleic and linolenic levels. ers have access to a broad variety of strategies (pedigreeManufacturers of coatings and paints will likely want breeding, mutation breeding, doubled haploid production)higher levels of linoleic and lower linolenic and low satu-and development of hybrids is underway. Indeed, sherates, he notes. Both industrial manufacturing segments reports that prototypes have already been evaluated bywant consistency in the fatty acid profile and secure reli-our industry partner, Agrisoma Bioscience. able supply chain support. SoybeanHempHigh-oleic soybean oil (HOSO) is another bioeconomyBesides fibre, hemps hottest bioeconomy value lies in its product gaining strong interest. Rob Roe, commercialcannabidiol (CBD). Health Canada approval of high-CBD manager at Omni Tech International in Nova Scotia,hemp varieties requires three years of Canadian field reports that current industrial uses for this oil includetrials and a THC level at or under 0.3 per cent. However, lubricants such as engine oil and grease. There is alsoachieving higher levels of CBD is easier said than done.progress being made, he says, to transform HOSO into aHow much CBD is produced by a given plant or line can synthetic-type oil that competes with synthetic petroleum- be greatly affected by yearly growing season conditions based engine oils and high-performance gear oils. Oil for and the flowers must also be carefully harvested and tire products and surfactants are also under development.handled to preserve the CBD. Hemp flowers were only High Linoleic soybean oil (HLSO) is not producedallowed to be legally harvested and sold to licenced can-commercially yet, but Roe says leaders at the University ofnabis producers for CBD extraction starting last year. Guelph (where the variety was developed) are looking forCHTA executive director Ted Haney says Canadian a licensing partner.hemp acreage is predicted to reach 450,000 by 2023. The oil has been tested for use in coatings/paintsSome varieties will be dual-purpose (oilseed and fibre) where it demonstrated significant performance benefitsand some tri-purpose (early harvest for flowers as well). versus conventional soybean oil, conventional sunflowerVarious research projects are going on this year in New oil and linseed oil, says Roe. Other potential uses are inBrunswick to study hemp as a potential option in the polyols, inks and epoxies products. potato rotation. 48GERMINATION.CA JANUARY 2020'