b'Exploring ideas and views on all aspects of the seed industry. ED ANT-BAS R SERVING UP HEALTHY PL EW FLAVO tingham ESEARCH WITH N of NotD R y FOO y of Adelaide have joined forces to RY YIELDSYFACILITY from the Universit y to G f entif launch a new international food flavor facilit , EAT FERTILIT Researchersplant-ENE-EDITING DISCOVE t n theand Universit healthy, MISE FOR WH und effec s o ed bytaste of sustainable, HIGH PRO GING CLIMATE i s.i 5 million facility at the University N A CHAN h h o o bee improve theAustractio as pr n n id helpe , nbased food and ingredient us of Nottingh liaI g wh c s e s hasdto. in Southams nee d ohn Innes Centre. campA e n ofc g e IP4 ingThe new $2 e U ive sity , a researchers from the J e key r main aexpani dit Mo International Flavor Research Centre (IFRC), and rodu iquesi es Waiterp ingte h en , Z t in of Adelaid d th nGe e-eexplain th sible fo will ted by a major investment by v2food d nide chglobal leader in plant-based alternatives to meat.ntify and is respon ores-class 50% of yield in this global crop. s w ich haveThets ac yss flavoche of,world ow eat wh dy,raham of recentis suppor bring togethery, food an e h Gn estu tooadvantage facilit willr mistr taken thI th upk research technologyro ne ro to o g ting more sustainable, healthy, se rch gr s in wheatment h . scientis under the ore a s for more than 60 years at rch t am, whichsition, will us y development e tiele a riculture,. l include a ne c based food into peoples diet istrOur study describes the identification ofTexplain g challenge of get wil e toype, responsibleh re e toral and PhD po ur chempuzzled scientist tode 0% gra n in whe h .plant- et- s o a hn e gies and flavo re tasty and s phenot i t e a gene, ZIP4 and it n of 5 tify variants ofieldnew pos d c olo turers develop fo th reservatio i t ngive wheat y innovative tec oducts that ag n e p h at that resila croptechniques to help food manufac y and academic raimt oore.can nowffectsha ient totainable prresilience to climate change, said MWetee wi is ew susing w l olead for the International Flavor Research Centre, econsumers will enjoy. he p t secure . n Professor of Food ChemistrDevelop e will he ownasDue to the globally interconnected 5 billion people are dependent onang nature of our food supply chain, we need to work imate ch ess,kn e ved viaalternatives in cl . ng t n,p tili c y is pres r controlIan Fisk said:entif sustainable-rowhich 2 ri his fer t lved tomesy Du our diet to ensure a safe, reliable supply of highe o y nutritional foods that consumers enjoy.p lypl idisatio hich have evo tiple geno together to idduring meiosis, the sexual reproduction phasesustainableo anisms w f these mulmech havior othbe qualit , . MISSIONS entally of y at the scale of specific foods inside cells SE GAS E mENHOU environER GRE ten moreted diets areesocia n y of evaluating diet sustainabilit as ateNKED TO LOW usrIETS LI weutritio ietsriathat n rian d with vegeta with IER UK D ncegeta d EALTH adds to evide .d that non-ve associatedassoci d fats, while also demonstrating the feasibilit wereat wered people wh O s. These H ategories showe n emissionsemission saturateAanalysiso tedshigher tha higher thane intake ofhad lower newgroup c diet rather than broader food- r issio ake. A World H rganization the rep 59%41%osgreenhouse gas emissions than people who exceeded recommended levels of those nutrientsatis cal analysis ofthatns th int n theealths. It ti emissionsemn t a focus on plant-based foods for policies meant to encourage sustainable dietSt gaslinked toater meatby houseregre , and alcohol with with green s diets we rily d e tolevels recommendedfee, tea s could provide ets. Men s, prima u meteffortalso suggests both environmental and nutritional benefits for replacing cofdi iet y of origin and other indicators e s d , and sodiumr research womcarbohydrates e future, similather clarity by incorporating such details as food item brand, countr. In thfindings suppor ble substitutessustainamentallyt, beyond emissions.more environof environmental impacfur72/ SEEDWORLD.COMJANUARY 2022'