b'PARTNER CONTENTSuperSede Early Season Drives Higher Yields By: John Bradley - FBSciencesI m fortunate to have worked in agricul- just dont work on todays scale. When we ture my whole life. I have been ridingfirst started at FBSciences, the products on tractors and caring for crops andwere focused on in-furrow. Weve made animals since I was five years old. Im thethe whole process even easier with a seed fourth generation on my farm in Ten- treatment.nessee, and Ive worked in agriculturalThis new product line, SuperSede seed research for more than 40 years. treatment, increases overall simplicity for In that time, I spent twenty-one yearsfarmers by putting FBS Transit and crop-working with the University of Tennes- specific nutrients all in one place where see, including fourteen years as Direc- the seed needs it.It was a no-brainer to go tor of University of TN Milan Researchfrom placing this material in the furrow to and Extension Center, conducting no-tillon the seed. crop research, seven years as Monsantos Conservation Tillage Specialist in 17 statesAgronomic Benefitsfocused on cotton, and served as the direc- In testing, we saw a significant positive tor of research, Agricenter International inimpact on germination, which, as you Memphis, TN. I formerly worked as Direc- know, is one of the most important factors tor of Research at FBSciences, and now sitin yield. From more enhanced germina-on their scientific advisory board. I am ation, uniform emergence, more robust root strong believer in biostimulants and theirsystems, and better shoot development, ability to aid a cropping system by increas- SuperSede works to start the crop off right. ing plant health and mitigating stress.That more extensive root system is the first FBSciences biostimulant technology andthing youll notice when you start using products stand out beyond anything else ISuperSede.have seen in the field.Think about crops like cotton, a crop When FBSciences first approached meIve worked with for several decades, in 2007 about directing their biostimulantreturn on investment while still being easywhere early-season development is chal-research, I was intrigued. Their proprietaryto use. SuperSede has been developedlenging. With SuperSede, the combination biostimulant technology, FBS Transit, hadto pair tailored nutrition with a highlyof FBS Transit with a crop specific nutrient a lot of promise, but the farmer in me hadeffective biostimulant, FBS Transit. Thatpackage means the crop will have bet-to see if it really made a measurable differ- means our products are different fromter early plant health, which will provide ence on the farm.others growers may have used. The ac- a stronger defense against disease and From around the U.S., to South Amer- tive ingredient is not alive, and the liquidpests.ica, to Australia, and parts of Africa, weformulation is stable without refrigera- When I think about trying something put this technology through the wringertion for years. FBSciences biostimulant isnew as a farmer, I want something that is of testing. We completed hundreds ofextremely bioactive delivering significantlow risk but sure to improve crop health trials, with 40% focusing on seed treat- plant response at a low use rate, which is a especially with cotton and other hard-ment. There was a positive yield responsedeparture from traditional biostimulantsto-establish crops. Getting those nutrients 85% of the time in all different growingwhich are applied at a higher use rate. Fi- that soils are naturally lacking in a seed conditions, with an even greater impact innally, SuperSede products are compatibletreatment is especially useful.stressed conditions. This would eventuallywith traditional seed treatmentsinclud- Altogether, Im most impressed as a lead to the development of FBSciencesing fungicides, insecticides, and nemati- scientist and a farmer with the fact that in SuperSede line of products.cides. 85% of our tests, SuperSede showed a yield Because farms are much bigger thanincrease across all soil types and condi-A Closer Look at SuperSede 40 years ago, biostimulants that needtions. From a risk mitigation perspective, The biggest advantage for growers is thespecial handling or application treatmentthats something to get excited about.JANUARY 2022SEEDWORLD.COM /71'