b'PROTECTING INNOVATIONSpeed And Agility: What It Takes To CompeteFor Companies Of All Sizes!SEED INNOVATIONS GENERALLYtake a size-able investment of time and money to satisfy the needs of growers and picky consumers. SIPAs seed company and seed treatment members commit con- These scientists are unravelling the secrets siderable investment into research and development toof stress mitigation, water use efficiency, bring new innovations to U.S. farms.A couple of personal recent insights helped menitrogen use efficiency, yield enhancement, understand that the rate of innovation in the seedsalt tolerance, not to mention quality traits that ELOY CORONA sector is rivaling the computer science sector otherwise is the executiveknown as Moores Law. Moores Law states that indus- enhance the nutritional value of crops. director of the Seedtry knowledge is doubled every two years. With all the Innovation andgenome sequencing happening in the seed sectorto Protection Alliancefirst understand whats there todays plant breed-(SIPA). ers, geneticists, molecular scientists are beginning toThe exciting aspect of this is that todays new plant understand what does what. breeding techniques (NPB) which many articles and There is a maze of complexity in understandingstartup companies are focused on to allow surgical what genes do what and how they are inter-relatedmanipulation of single genes to modify the targeted with other regulating portions of the non-gene chro- crop to respond in a value added manner. The cost mosome. These scientists are unravelling the secretsof these NPB techniques is much cheaper and faster of stress mitigation, water use efficiency, nitrogen usethan traditional plant breeding in the field. This not only efficiency, yield enhancement, salt tolerance, not tospeeds up the rate of new seed innovations but also mention quality traits that enhance the nutritional valueallows smaller companies to participate in bringing of crops. During a recent National Association of Plantmany more value added innovations to U.S. farms and Breeders annual meeting hosted by Cornell University,picky consumers. Economic theory generally sides with I was amazed by the volume of data being capturedcompetition that rewards those that innovate better, via genomic sequencing, remote sensing, and genefaster and cheaper. Seed companies, trait companies, function identification. This is the speed and agility thatgenome editing companies will all be competing for adds to our seed knowledge which eventually shows upgrowers seed choices which provides the feedback on farms around the world! loop for the golden goose seed innovation engine!As an example, corn has some 35,000 genes onTo the Seed Innovation Protection Alliance (SIPA) 10 homologous pair of chromosomes that provides allmembershipthank growers for buying new profes-the genetic variation seen today. To put this in per- sionally processed seed from authorized seed com-spective, humans have around 18,000 genes on 23panies and seed retailers! Without your patronage of chromosomes that account for each unique individualour members seed offerings, we might see fewer seed on our planet (i.e. about seven billion population) eveninnovations to feed and clothe a hungry world! though we share 98% of our genetic material withDont step over the line! To report seed infringe-chimps (women may argue there is a closer link for menments anonymously call 1-844-SEEDTIP or log in at though)! www.seedipalliance.com.SW40/ SEEDWORLD.COMJANUARY 2022'