b'Part of the hope in soil regeneration is not to force farmers into practices but to provide them with opportunities and options to address their bottom line as well as climate change.Kris Nicholsthat it takes a 1,000-years to develop an inch of topsoil. We knowways. Today, Canady serves as the director of agronomy, spe-now that we can do it much faster, so that a farmer can benefit incialty crops for Verdesian. Canady says that the adoption these their lifetime, and biologically based tools are one of the ways wetechnologies are seeing is nothing short of exciting. get there, says Nichols. Were seeing it mostly adopted in conventional corn and And theres plenty of interest in supporting and enhancingsoybean cropping systems, even though it is certified for organic soil biology. According to Fortune Business Insights, the globalproduction. I think a lot of that is due to the fact that it is an eco-agricultural biologicals market size was valued at $7.42 billion innomical product, it really delivers a lot of cost and time efficiency 2018. By 2026, that value is projected to reach $20.59 billion.for any type of production.And companies are getting creative in how they deliverThese regenerative solutions and the many more in the pipe-those biological advantages. It doesnt get much more simplisticline couldnt come at a better time. The push to steer agriculture than using graphite to lubricate seed in the planter box, a factdown a more holistic road has never been greater, and the brunt Verdesian Life Sciences is leveraging. of those demands seems to be landing squarely on the shoulders With their SEED+ technology, Verdesian is also giving bothof the farmer. But Nichols says that there is hope. For farmers, organic and conventional farmers alike, the opportunity to tryfor the soil and for the climate. biostimulants without any modifications to their existing system.Part of the hope in soil regeneration is not to force farmers Mike Canady, has spent his career developing plant resilienceinto practices but to provide them with opportunities and options through both traditional breeding and soil microbiology path- to address their bottom line as well as climate change. SW70/ SEEDWORLD.COMJANUARY 2022'