b'Cover crops are typically not a one-species crop, its usuallyScientists will evaluate cover crop varieties for the following:a mix/blend that brings in several different species and benefits, Weed suppressionsays Janae Brady, American Seed Trade Association senior Early vigordirector of government affairs. Because of that, there is a diver-Increased biomasssity of grasses, legumes, beets, etc. that need to be researched Winter hardnessand bred.Seed yieldWhen more species get involved, costs and complexity Disease and insect resistancemounts. From the top down, seed companies, retailers and farm-Soft and non-shattering seeders are asking for education on cover crop opportunities and Early floweringchallenges and a structured evaluation program on which grow- This project is innovative in applying plant breeding to cover ers can base decisions. crop species, especially as a collaborative and interdisciplinary We need more research on cover crops, including their long- national network, said Virginia Moore, the grants principal inves-term impact on things like soil, Grumke says. It needs to betigator and assistant professor in the College of Agriculture and more than just testing on farms We need testing on all prod- Life Sciences in a recent press release. It has the potential for ucts and unbiased reports. huge impacts on farmer adoption of cover crops and increasing the environmental benefits they provide.Strategies to Bolster AdoptionIts not just private companies looking to boost cover crop adoption. With clear environmental benefits, including a promise to help offset some of the impact of climate change, nonprofits, checkoffs and government agencies look to contribute.The U.S. House of Representatives recently passed the Build Back Better Act (BBBA) (H.R. 5376), and it is expected to go through revisions when it gets to the Senate. If this legislationUntil we start treating cover crops like a cash passes as is without changes to the agricultural conservation portion, farmers would be paid $25 per acre to plant one orcrop, were just throwing darts at a bullseye, more species of cover crops on up to 1,000 acres and pay land- and we dont even know where it is. owners $5 per acre on up to 1,000 acres for 2022 to 2026. There is no spending cap on this proposal, though the Congressional Kyle GrumkeBudget Office estimates the program will stretch to $5 billion.Another proof point includes a collaboration between the United Soybean Board, National Corn Growers Association and Pork Checkoff. This group aims to double corn and soybean acres using cover crops to 30 million by 2030. The groups plan to work to support and augment existing and new state initia-tives. The program will encourage collaboration among the organizations to support conservation.The second research grant, led by Iowa State scientists, aims Two USDA Grants Enable Research to break down barriers keeping farmers from adopting cover In late 2021, U.S. Department of Agriculture announced twocrops on a wide scale. The team includes 18 scientists to delve contributions to cover crop research. National Institute of Foodinto the environmental advantages created by perennial grasses and Agriculture (NIFA) announced it would provide $3 million toplanted between rows of cash crops.a network of scientists to develop new varieties of cover crops.We think because its a perennial, if we do it right, it might be USDA NIFA also awarded a $10 million five-year grant to Iowadone at extremely low cost to the producer, said D. Rau Raman, State University scientists to develop new approaches to coverMorrill professor of agricultural and biosystems engineering at crops that incorporate perennial groundcovers. Iowa State in a recent press release. It might even be possible The $3 million grant will be led by Cornell University butthat farmers might realize some economic benefit by implement-includes scientists from across the country, including universi- ing this practice.ties, USDA Agricultural Research Service and Natural ResourcesResearchers are placing their bet that some perennial ground Conservation Service Plant Material Centers. The three-and-a- covers will: not compete with cash crops for nutrients, not affect half-year grant aims to help growers by creating cover cropsyield, go dormant when cash crops are developing and require better adapted to local conditions. little management.SWJANUARY 2022SEEDWORLD.COM /45'