b'TRAITSROXY RPS, Albaugh, LLC and California Cooperative Rice Research FoundationCommercial Launch: July 2021ROXY RPS (Rice Production SOYLEIC Soybeans, MOSoy System) is a rice production Commercial Launch: Summer 2021 system and weed control tool that was inspired and is owned by the SOYLEIC genetics are a representation of Missouri Soybeansrice growers of California. checkoff research at work. SOYLEIC soybeans are a non-GM,The ROXY trait is a non-GM rice high oleic trait patented for use domestically and now interna- trait that provides tolerance to the tionally. Consumers are increasingly concerned with knowingpost-patent herbicide ALB2023 whats in their food and where it came from. The identity- and ALB2024. The trait was preserved systems that help SOYLEIC soybeans deliver perfor- recovered in the variety M-206, mance and functionality also enables full traceability from farmknown as Californias most widely to fork.grown Calrose variety. The first The high oleic soybean trait gives farmers the option ofbackcross to M-206 and M-210 growing soybeans for specific markets. Two of those markets inhave also been increased and particular are the soybean oil and meal post-crush markets.purified for the first ROXY variety Today, the need for healthy soybean oil has never beenlaunch in the California rice market. greater. SOYLEIC soybeans have FDA heart-healthy approval,Seven years of research which positions it to grow in the U.S.s consumable market as ashow that the ROXY RPS using stable oil product for food.ALB2023 applied preplant in a With this innovative trait, SOYLEIC genetics have the oppor- water-seeded rice systems and tunity to bring down barriers associated with health claims,post plant pre-flood in drill seeded which can then bring soybean oil back to regular human con- rice production systems provides sumption and animal use. That could create a new markethigh levels of weed control for demand for soybean oil and expands the current high oleicboth broadleaf and grassy weeds portfolio. including current Group 1 and In addition, SOYLEIC soybeans can support farmers effortsGroup 2 resistant weed biotypes. to meet the 2025 goals of reducing land use impact by 10% whileROXY trait has been transferred decreasing soil erosion by an additional 25%making it a sus- into other varieties and grain tainable product that minimizes effects on the environment. types, so it could have far reaching benefits for rice growers. In the end: ROXY RPS provides the rice industry with a new tool for weed control to help address current and future rice production weed resistance. 24/ SEEDWORLD.COMJANUARY 2022'