b'Through the Haney testwhich provides a test and gauge of the biological activity occurring in the soil, proprietary soil health software and a network of soil health expertsContinuum Ag works to equip farmers in 36 states and 14 countries with the knowledge and resources they need to better farm the microbes that farm their crops. Our goal is simple, Hora says, We want to implement the principles of soil health and manage fertility to protect yield on a year-to-year basis. We want to make sure that a farmer is goingWere actually farming those microbesthose to have success economically and understand the logistics of how to get there successfully.microbes know how to farm a crop way better than we do. Scalable FundamentalsToday, Nichols serves as the principal scientist and research Mitchell Horadirector for MyLand, a company approaching soil health as a service. Sans a product and equipment, the company allows a farmer to supercharge the naturally occurring microalgae present in their soils and implement the technology across their acres without significant changes to their farms infrastructure. The model works by extracting native organic microorganisms directly from a farms soil, rapidly reproducing them and then delivering those live microorganisms back into the same soils they were extracted from via irrigation. What were doing at MyLand is exciting because of the acceleration it provides. Weve been taught through academia Seed to Harvest stress relief and synergy.EndoFine SI:Full Season Bene cial Bene cial Fungal Organism.Inoculation lasts the life of the plant. Lives inside and outside the roots. Symbiotic activity with several microbes.Helps uptake micronutrients even in high pH soils. Apply onto seed immediatelyor twodays to many months ahead of seed treatments and planting.106 Wigle Ave., Kingsville, Ontario.1-519-733-4659 www.adjuvantsplus.com68/ SEEDWORLD.COMJANUARY 2022'