b'Sustainable Intensification:A Seed Solution?THE LATEST BUZZWORDin agricultural develop- breeding? I contacted a U.S.-based academic who ment policy is sustainable intensification. The concepthad recently published a paper on the subject that can be taken further to imply improved livelihoods,excluded any consideration of seed innovations. His equity, human rights and better health but most sci- view is that GMOs will take too long to develop, only entists (should) concentrate primarily on agronomicconcern large cash crops and will not feed into the advancement. smallholder development process anytime soon. So how do you get more food from less land andSustainable intensification advocates also only fewer inputs? My impulse response is: Better seeds!seem to be looking for simple, quick wins. More dams, DAVOD ZARUK But as I read through sustainable intensification articlesintercropping and IPM fixes will only go so far. You can David Zaruk is aand reports from the FAO, academics and agroecolo- reduce impact with increased conservation agriculture professor based ingists, I was surprised to see this simple solution largelypractises to a point and there is a question of how far Brussels writingignored. Why is that? these techniques will work in developing countries on environmental- The FAO intensification strategy cites four factorswhere smallholders cannot afford the infrastructure. health risk policyas key drivers to produce more from less: The potential for more resilient seeds that produce within the EU Bubble.a)Improved use of resources with conservationhigher yields while taking fewer nutrients from the soil He writes a blogagriculture and better plant nutrient manage- and withstanding harsher weather conditions will make under the name: Thement. significant impact. Rather than tweaking the edges of Risk-Monger. b)Integrated Pest Management (IPM) to avoid envi- agriculture, such seed innovations are game-changers.ronmental pollution from misuse of pesticides.c)Better management of biodiversity and ecosys- Intensifying Africatem services. While sustainable intensification is a global challenge d)Access to good practices and knowledge,for agriculture, it is clearly a priority in Africa. So, while increased diversification, markets, creditagroecologists want to see more smallholders farming What if you shift the focus of the FAO strategy toto feed themselves, more thought needs to go into a concentrating on better seed development?strategy to grow African agriculture with develop-a)Plant nutrient management can be met if betterment, population and economic expansion in mind. seeds for cover crops and no-till cash crops canWith diverse practices, economies, climates and enrich the soil. levels of development, it is myopic to think a one-b) Designing pest-resistant crops with more resilientsize-fits-all intensification solution will work in Africa. seeds will push IPM forward. Complex challenges like cultural hierarchy, corruption c)Gene editing has shown the potential to developin supply chains, land rights, mobility, access to tech-more ecosystem-friendly crops requiring fewernologies, equipment and markets means that many nutrients and taking less from the soil. of the sustainable intensification theories are merely d)In cases of climate-stresses, better seeds canpolitical ideologies.help agriculture adapt to evolutionary threats. But seeds dont lie. Better seeds dont worry about The best route to sustainable intensification is notcultural hierarchy, corruption, who owns the land and to incrementally tighten soil and water managementwhere the markets are. Better seeds can be subsidised; (every environment is unique); it is not merely to edu- smallholders can be allowed to save seeds. Farmers cate smallholders; nor to challenge agri-tech businessfeel the impact almost immediately as higher yields models. Rather impact will be made by developingand lower crop losses redefine farming from subsist-seeds that yield more with lower inputs (getting moreence to development. from less). I strongly urge seed breeders to be more vocal to make an impact on this discussion. Sustainable intensi-Resistance to Game-Changers fication theorists need to abandon their bias and start So why do sustainable intensification advocateswith one clear idea: better seeds = better development. practically ignore the important potential of seedLet that idea germinate.SW52/ SEEDWORLD.COMJANUARY 2021'