b'We have to make sure independent seed companies survive to the time when these genetics become available. Genetics research is absolutely critical.Todd MartinOn the genetics front, while independ- research program has evolved over time.astically supported these seminars, says ent corn breeding slowed in years past,In the past, many members have providedMartin, at field days throughout the year Martin explains that in the next sevenlocations and other resources to supportand also during the Annual Conference. years, many traits are coming off patent.research trials and this continues today.Members of IPSA also benefit from This is exciting and could make a differ- Besides genetics, other IPSA-fundedgroup buying programs for widely-used ence to the independent seed producersresearch projects have focussed on seedproducts, and specific services that meet in terms of access to new genetics. Theretreatment efficacy, hybrid and inbredthe needs of independent seed busi-are companies like INARI Agriculture andinteraction with herbicides, screeningnesses in specific states or regions.others that are developing new geneticsfor disease and more. Seed treatmentIPSA remains committed to its inde-which could open up new opportunitiesand other seed enhancements are still apendent seed company members as well for licensing. central area of research. To date, IPSA hasas those companies we consider to be our But we still have to deal with today,funded over $5,000,000 in private andfuture members, says Martin. We will Martin stresses. We have to make surepublic research projects. continue to do everything we can to get independent seed companies survive to theIPSA also works with its members toour members access to genetics, to estab-time when these genetics become availa- enhance business acumen. Each year,lished traits and to protect their margins so ble. Genetics research is absolutely critical.IPSA sponsors seminars on topics suchthat they can survive and thrive. The next as employee/customer relationships,few years should represent a turning point Research and More marketing, leadership, communications,and usher in a new era of stability and suc-Research has always been a priority foremployee motivation and successioncess for our members. We will work hard IPSA, and as with any organization, itsplanning. IPSA members have enthusi- to make sure that happens.SW10/ SEEDWORLD.COMJANUARY 2021'