b'PARTNER CONTENTBack to BasicsFrom the Seed producer to the Farmer (user) level, Why CenterFlow and Extndr hit the markI n every business, there are things that will always be a challenge and things that work exceedingly well. Weve learned that every customer has challeng-essomething we call pain pointsin the course of their business evolution. And for us, that simply means identifying areas where things arent working quite as well as they could and offering a fix that creates value to our customers.At Buckhorn, we can safely say that our CenterFlow line along with the Extndr falls into the latter category, creating a valued product and extension that offers gap resolution. But it wasnt just a run of good luck that made the CenterFlow containersustainability, with millions of units nowconcept that could easily be added or re-the benchmark for quality, performancein a closed-loop recycling plan. The boxesmoved and is compatible with the millions and value in the industry. It was a resultalso stack efficiently, so warehouse spaceof boxes that weve shipped over the years.of two key components: listening to ourcan be maximized throughout the SupplyHence, the Extndr was born with value customers to eliminate their pain pointsChain. Additionally, the units have provenofferings that can be seen from the seed and plenty of research.themselves extremely effective when itproducer to the retailer to the farmer.As our mission statement promises,comes to pest protection.We launched the Extndr in Q1 of 2020 Buckhorn does more than just sell boxes.A couple of years ago, we started hear- with a primary goal to provide valued We manufacture solutions to complexing from our customers that another shiftcustomers with a solution to get up to 50 problems. And thats exactly how the Cen- was on the horizon. CenterFlow boxes hadunits in one box, even with larger seed. terFlow was born. Before the late 1990s,prior held 50 units of seed consistently.Just like when we originally launched the FIBCs (bulk bags) were the primary mid- However, with advancement is geneticsCenterFlow many years ago, there were sized package format used for agriculturaland Mother Nature playing a role, seedbonus benefits. With the Extndr, users seed. They had some less than ideal traitssize has increased, reducing the effectiveenjoy a 17% increase in capacity per box as users had to reach underneath thecapacity to 40 - 45 units per containerwhich further delivers unit consistency 2,000-pound bags to empty the contents,and sometimes lower. So, we went back tooffering capabilities. Further, the solution and the bags didnt stack well which madethe research room and talked to growers,offers added vertical storage and more safety a real concern.retailers and producers to collect every- efficient use of return logistics (utilizes That was our starting point for Cen- thing we could about the challenges theymore space on the truck). Additionally, terFlow. We worked with a leading seedwere facing with modern seed sizes. TheyBuckhorn now offers four different sizes of producer to solve some of these painhelped us gain valuable insight about get- CenterFlow containers with the extension points as we developed the product line.ting back to a higher unit delivery offering(S, M, L, XL).The result of the collaborative processfor their storage and moving needs.Its through the creation and success certainly improved safety when it cameBecause so much of the market hasof these two product lines that we know, to seed moving and storage, but we alsobeen formed around the unique footprintwithout a doubt, that listening to custom-ended up with several benefits that wereof the current CenterFlow, it made sense toers and doing the research is critical to not necessary on the list of objectives. Thebuild on our customers established basesuccessfor everyone, even in these CenterFlow today is playing a big part inof assets. We landed on an extension ringchallenging times. JANUARY 2021SEEDWORLD.COM /19'