b'Not all Tomatoes are Born the Same! ROBIN OMARAPRESIDENT, OMARAAG SERVICES TOMATOES ARE THEmost con- used DNA markers are utilized toromara60@msn.comsumed berry fruit in the world andidentify fruit firmness or color. Theomara-ag.coma key component of many culinaryuse of other DNA markers for key recipes. In farmers markets, you willquality traits such as taste and aroma find different types of tomatoes suit- is rare. Advancing such traits isAnla carte Approach able for various dishes. Such marketslargely done by old fashion breed-are of course heaven for chefs anding, by visually inspecting and tastingto Project Designfoodies but offer a challenge forthe fruits of thousands of individual tomato breeders.plants, seeking the best ones and The ability of geneticists andhoping the improved shape, color LA CARTE: a menu or list with a separate breeders to develop tomatoes in aand/or taste will be inherited.price for each item offered on the menu. variety of sizes, shapes, colors andAt NRGene, we love tomatoes!Ordering from anla carte list of options tastes is remarkable. On the otherUsing our advanced genomic toolsis a great way to get things, unless it makes hand, the tomato market is brokencan help identify DNA markers forthe price too high, right? I was explaining this into hundreds of different types.many additional important traits,approach to how we do business to a friend. Tomato breeding is heavily seg- some of which are controlled by mul- I was describing how we let our customers mented, not only by fruit color/shape/ tiple genes. The broader use of DNAdetermine our level of involvement. size but also by geography of cultiva- markers in breeding (genotyping) isHmmm,la carte? he said tion, growing season, greenhousecoupled with a significant reduction inExactly! I said. We have had that approach versus outdoors and others.genotyping costs.for a long time, but I hadnt really put it into those Breeding efforts are specific toTo lower genotyping cost,words. Offering a full menu of products and a single market segment. TomatoNRGene formed the first commercialservices for seed conditioning plants, from nuts breeding budgets in seed companiestomato pangenome consortium ofand bolts to turn-key, but letting the customer are also divided between all seg- academia and companies. The estab- choose from the menu. Thats how we do it!ments covered by the company. Mostlished pangenome is a comparisonPackage deals may have everything in tomato seed companies use DNAof the full genomic content of manythere, but what if you dont need or want markers to advance key traits, withkey commercial varieties. Using theeverything? Do you already own an air screen the most commonly used DNA mark- pangenome, it is now much easier tocleaner that you would like to use? Do you ers being those that are relevant to allidentify DNA markers for more com- want to self-perform the installation? Does breeding segments.mercially important traits. your brother-in-law have an earth moving The main use of DNA markers isRecently, NRGene launched aor concrete business to support? Have you to identify key genes, as each genecollaboration with a tomato breedingalways relied on your local electrician to wire harbors natural resistance to a givencompany, Philoseed, in a joint effortand control your plant? Lets take those items tomato disease. Other commonlyto fight the growing spread of theout of the package and help you save some Tobamovirus disease worldwide. Thegreenbacks. goal is to create a DNA marker for theDo you prefer a more horizontal, user-Tobamovirus disease resistance traitfriendly flow to your plant? Then lets eliminate in tomatoes.all the heavy structural steel cost needed to put With the most advanced technol- it up in the air. Can we allow space for an opti-ogy available, industry can identifycal sorter or gravity separator now and allow the genetic basis of quality traits andyou to spend the equipment dollars later? Can ensure that the right genetic combi- we feed this bin from an existing, distant bucket nation is included in newly developedelevator without compromising seedsmanship? varieties. These are some of the questions you need to ask as you look over the menu.The menu doesnt always tell you where you will get the best service or the right por-tions. For that, youll need to ask friends or GIL RONEN colleagues. FOUNDER & CEO, NRGENE I like to leave room for dessert. But now info@nrgene.com its dinner time, and all this menu talk has me nrgene.com hungry. @nrgene Bon Appetit!32/ SEEDWORLD.COMJANUARY 2021'