b'Many Challenges in Selling Seedin the Middle of a Pandemic Planning is the key to avoid sales mistakes. Frank ZaworskiSELLING SEED TOgrower cus-tomers, either established or new, is always challenging. Add in the reality of trying to sell while masked and socially distanced and the task can be quite daunting. The key to selling seed suc-cessfully during the midst of theCOVID-19 pandemic, according to a number of seed sales professionals, is proper planning.Make planning your success strategy, says sales training expert Rod Osthus of the R.C. Thomas Company. COVID is scary and has hurt people in many ways. You must first understand that all of the obstacles a salesperson faces are only real if they are not addressed. Every single obstacle can be addressed by planning.Being unprepared is a sales effort killer, says Clint Bounds, general sales manager at Stine Seed Company. The time you have with the growerSocially distancing and masked, the Texas A&M AgriLife Research wheat breeding team is very valuable, dont throw it away,consisting of (l to r) senior research associate Jason Baker, wheat breeder Jackie Rudd, Bounds says. You need to be preparedassociate research scientist Ravindra Devkota, and drone pilot Shannon Baker look at the to answer their questions and show themdifferences in the irrigated wheat nursery plots near Bushland.the advantages of your company. Sellers need to plan ahead and be ready to overcome any objections andcommunication with customers. director of sales and marketing with be ready to close, Bounds adds. I have3.Determine the modus operandi withBecks Hybrids. Most tell themselves that been with salespeople that dont think thesuppliers. they are going to try and sell this farmer grower will make a decision that day and4. Define processes that can be accom- something today. This puts an immense are not prepared when they are ready.plished remotely or eliminated. amount of pressure on the salesperson This doesnt look good to the grower.5.Follow Center for Disease Controlto achieve results. The farmer can tell They want to have the confidence they(CDC) protocols and help customersthat the salesperson wants something are working with a seed advisor that isfollow them. from them. The farmer then goes on the prepared and ready to help at all times. defensive, responding with objections Osthus outlines five important strate- A Few Common Mistakes that makes the salespersons job more gies for a seed business during the COVIDA strong sales plan is critical to seed salesdifficult.crisis and beyond. success. Still, mistakes can occur that willOther common mistakes noted by 1.Customers have a critical need forthrow cold water on the best of plans. Parkin include talking too much and not leadership. Tell customers what theySome of the most common mistakesactively listening. Active listening will need to know. sales staff make when selling seed beginsoften reveal how the salesperson can help 2. with their mindset, says Ryan Parkin,the farmer.Determine appropriate levels of14/ SEEDWORLD.COMJANUARY 2021'