b'IF YOU MISSED IT.#TLDR? If you didnt have enough time to read, check out some highlights happening. SPECIAL SEED SPEAKS ALERT: Enjoy wildflowers for the beauty that they bring to a landscape or an ecosystem. Whether you are viewingAt the American Seed Trade Associations CSS &them in a native landscape or a production setting atSeed Expo in December, Editorial Director Sonjaone of our growers; the colors, textures,Begemann hosted a roundtable panel discussion on the future of new breeding techniques globally. Joinedand growth habits are alwaysby Fan-Li Chou, Szabi Ruthner and Diego Risso, thean amazing sight. full panel is available at https://www.youtube.com/Norm Poppe, pg. 46watch?v=gnGPxX9UzQE.Make sure to check out the feature article on page 56 for more information as well.EVENT ALERTFrom March 22-23 in San Francisco, California, agriculture innovators from across the globe are gathering for the World Agri-Tech Innovation Summit.It will be the first meeting in three years!Acting as a probiotic to benefit the immune health of your plant and the soil, biologicals produce metabolites and other components that can interact with the microbes in the soil to produce a very happy, healthy soil microbiome. Pamela Calvo-Velez, pg. 3470/ SEEDWORLD.COMFEBRUARY 2022'