b'ROBIN OMARA Biologicals are Like a PRESIDENT,OMARA AG SERVICES Probiotic for Your Soilromara60@msn.comomara-ag.comCOLD AND FLU SEASONis here,still experience some loss, it wont Creativity which ultimately gets me thinkingbe nearly as detrimental as without about biologicals. Why? Becausebiologicals. they are like probiotics for yourWeve spent a lot of time working Before Capital plantsgiving them the best chancewith biologicals and creating prod-to thrive throughout the season. Butucts based on them and have learned it can be a challenge finding bio- one thing: consistency is key for IF YOU ARE LIKEmost decision-makers regard- logicals that meet our expectations,performance. ing your plant improvement needs, your thoughtsbecause unlike traditional chemis- Thats why biologicals need to be should start with those words. What are your paintries, there can be a less tangible,field tested for at least two years to points? Can we stretch resources through the busyvisual result.see consistency across the board, in time in order to better weather the slim times?For me, biological seed treatmentsdifferent locations. That testing helps Why do we need it? Is there another way, a betterprovide one of the best jump startsensure the number of microbes in the way? Should we hire that extra help? Can we runyour crops can have. As a naturalproduct are holding steadilywhen more shifts? Can increased capacity reduce ourpartner for your crops, biologicals are aour customers apply the biological to hours and workload? Will the equipment make itdifferent type of seed-applied tool withseeds and then experience a delay in through the season? What if it breaks down at oura different mode of action to comple- planting, we know the biological will most critical time? Can we fix it up to limp through?ment your chemistry. But theres sostill be there. Its all part of the quality Can we do it ourselves? Can it be installed on time?much more a biological can do in acontrol process.Is there a safety issue? Will it bring new business?field to increase a crops potential. So, why are biological seed treat-Do we have to borrow, or can we do it with cashActing as a probiotic to benefitments important? I think it speaks for flow? What is the payback, and how long does itthe immune health of your plant anditself. Giving your crops the best head take? The bank is always there to ask if you need tothe soil, biologicals produce metabo- start only helps to improve your fields borrow more money. I personally am kind of debt- lites and other components that canin the long run. averse and founded my business with grandmainteract with the microbes in the soil and grandpas philosophy that if you dont have theto produce a very happy, healthy soil money, you cant afford it. I said kind of aversemicrobiome. Through use of bio-because Ive since borrowed regularly, it can pre- logicals that fall in the biostimulant serve cash flow.category, the growth of bigger root My company has to make spending decisionssystems is promoted, allowing better the same as yours. My thoughts lean towardsnutrient intake from that healthy soil. creativity before capital. Will you stick to the statusIn addition, the increased root mass quo because it is easier or less expensive, or willleads to better water uptake as well. you accept the expense and challenge of goingAll of this improves overall perfor-forward? Explore the options. Ignoring a problemmance under stress conditions like is a little like turning up the radio to drown out theextreme weather. While you might engine knock.Engage a trusted and reliable resource that has the expertise and knowledge to help you do the right thing. There can be comfort in learning the success stories of others. Make the decision,PAMELA CALVO-VELEZcelebrate the win of the battle over whatever wasGLOBAL/U.S. FUNGICIDE AND between you and the right decision. The decision isBIOLOGICAL LEADSEED TREATMENT RESEARCH & off your plate and off your worry list. Oh, and dontDEVELOPMENT, BASFforget to make the payments. The bank wants theiragriculture.basf.us/crop-protection/money back. use-areas/seed-treatment.htmlpamela.calvo-velez@basf.com34/ SEEDWORLD.COMFEBRUARY 2022'