b'SHAWN BROOKPRESIDENT, CREATE @SeedWorldGroupsbrook@seedworldgroup.comJIM SCHWEIGERTseedworldgroup.comPRESIDENT, GRO ALLIANCE @jim_schweigert jim.schweigert@groalliance.comGroAlliance.com Why the Soft Skills of Storytelling Can Pay Big The New Definition of anFOR MANY OFus that started our career in Entry-Level Employee salesspecifically in product saleswe were likely indoctrinated into school of features and benefits selling. If I asked you right now to tell me about a new product your default might be to HIRING QUALITY EMPLOYEES This, of course, dramaticallysay something like: Product A is new and does X, now is tough. But this has been anchanged the type of candidate weY, and Z 10 times better than the other products on-going challenge for agriculturelook for when hiring. An aptitudeon the market. That means youll get three times for the past few years. Only a smallfor learning and key soft skills likemore protection in the field.percentage of American kids growanalytical thinking and reason- Now dont get me wrong, there is a time and up on farm today, and its fewer thaning are requirements. He or sheplace for features and benefits selling, but for cus-at any other moment in our nationsneeds to have an attitude thattomers just getting to know your company, your history. Companies that hire for ag orembraces change and the abilitybrand, and your products you might not yet have seed related careers have reacted byto balance several unique projectsearned the confidence of your prospective leads. relying more on contracted labor andat the same time. Mechanical skillsThis is where shifting tactics and approaching with a automation. and agronomic experience are stillgood product/brand story can make the difference. This has completely changed thevery important, but we are moreWhy you ask? Its because we engage with a definition of an entry-level employee. concerned about the who we arestory differently. When boiled down, marketing is As recently as 10 years ago, anhiring versus the what on theirall about telling a story. Stories create a customer entry-level employee at Gro Allianceresume.centric connection between your brand, prospects, would have started in the field as aThis also impacts how we trainand customers. Business storytelling can human-detasseler or roguer. As the seasonnew employees. Weve condensedize your company, get your message across, and progressed, he or she would move tothe training cycle by making it morepromote your product without being imposing. the sorting line and eventually spendintensive. One-on-one coachingA well told story should engage and attract your the winter stacking bags, sweepingand individualized mentorship areaudience, motivating your target audience to learn the warehouse and breaking bags topartnered with learning-by-doing tomore about your company. prep for rework. get new hires through the develop- So how does storytelling translate in better Today, none of those jobs areing phase and into the contributingsales? done by full-time, entry-level employ- phase as quickly as possible. WeWhile we might use logic while researching a ees. Through a combination of labortake extra time to explain the whyproduct or service, the final decision we make is contractors and automation, almostbehind everything they do and createoften guided by on our emotions. When you share all the former entry-level responsibili- an atmosphere where employees area story with someone you communicate experi-ties have been replaced with moreboth empowered and have a highences in a way that can give your brand mean-complex tasks. level of accountability. ing and allows your readers to relate with you on New employees now start offWe have been able to continueevents in their own lives.managing a detasseling crew, a teamto attract high-quality employeesOn a daily basis were bombarded by informa-of field scouts, the packaging linethat are the foundation of the seedtion. A great story helps you cut through the noise team or PLC controls in the condi- supply chain services we provide toand grab the attention of your customers, who will tioning facility. Entry-level jobs todayour clients by shifting the definitionremember how your story made them feel and require the ability to supervise, prob- of an entry-level employee.that bond is where the magic happens. lem-solve and learn interconnectedIn short, an entry-level employeeTune in next time when we talk about how to technology systems incredibly fast. needs to be more qualified than ever! deliver an impactful story!36/ SEEDWORLD.COMFEBRUARY 2022'