b'INTERNATIONAL AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENTStarting a Seed Company from ScratchIN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES,seed choice that ait is important to start off small and allow things to farmer can sow is limited to what is available. This is anaturally grow. Dont over commit with costly equip-step before having the luxury of a choice of varietiesment as it may take a long time before the company within that species to plant. Due to a limited marketmakes a profit. The most important resource a seed size, larger seed companies do not see the economicscompany can have is its people and its reputation. The of selling their varieties in developing countries. Thepeople are the foundation of the knowledge that the ones that have tried have found the task hard, with lim- business is built upon. Always keep your business deal-ited infrastructure to allow the easy movement of seedings as squeaky clean as possible. Reputation once lost and the availability of stores where it could be sold. is hard to rebuild.This gap has tried to be filled with the public sector ANTHONY LEDDINbreeding programs. The science behind these pro-Inspired aftergrams is robust and many good varieties has been reading Thedeveloped. However, the step of getting this seed to Coming Famine,farmers is where the system can break down. I remem-this Australianber once talking to a university about breeding wheatRather than this being a downfall of a seed plant breeder setin Ethiopia. They had bred over 70 varieties of wheat out to make abut only four had been taken up by farmers. The weak- sector, it can be seen as a perfect opportunity difference. Plantness is the last step of finding a way to get the seed tofor people passionate about seed to help the Breeders Withoutthe farmers. This is usually done through rural stores in Borders encouragesthe west, however the number of these in developingsector grow. plant breeders andcountries are limited.students to volunteerRather than this being a downfall of a seed sector, their time for inter- it can be seen as a perfect opportunity for people pas-national breedingsionate about seed to help the sector grow. This is the projects. first ingredient to help that seed germinate, a passion for the seed that you are trying to get to farmers. ThisIf money is difficult to access to develop ideas, passion will help you ride the roller coaster of ups andthen different business plans can be looked at. downs that people can experience in the seed industryCo-operatives are one of these that allows farmers from droughts and seed production crop failures to ato group resources together that they can share. This strong demand that you can give you a good profit. may give a business a greater size to supply a large For anyone wanting to start a business in the seeddemand. It is important to have good rules in place industry, the first step is to do your research. Contactwith a co-operative as when many people are involved as many people as possible that have knowledge inwith different ideas and personalities disputes can the seed industry. It is best to follow the head and notoccur that have to be settled.the heart. You may have ideas that you may think areAs a company grows there many be an opportu-good, but is the market ready for them?nity to expand the range of products that they supply. This comes down to supply and demand. Can youOwning more of the chain from the original selling of consistently supply a product that market is lookingthe seed to when the consumer eats the product gives for? It is good to do a market linkage analysis first. Thismore control on supply and greater potential for profits.is a plan looking at every step along the path from thatAs seed companies grow the wheel of life turns first seed in a farmers hand to the final product beingcreating opportunities for small companies to find niches eaten by the consumer. Are there any weaknesseswhere the larger companies cannot fill, and the cycle along this pathway? If so, does your plan addressbegins again. As long as there are people that have a these? Once you feel confident your plan is developedpassion in seed there will always be seed companies. SW10/ SEEDWORLD.COMFEBRUARY 2022'