b'ENJOYING THE BEAUTY AND FUNCTION OF FLOWER SEEDNorm Poppe, CEO of Applewood Seed Co., says his No. 1 priority is ensuring customers everywhere get to enjoy the simple joys of flower seed. Seed World (SW): What podcasts are you currentlyon another aspect of how to bring the beauty or functionality listening to? into natural or man-made environments.Norm Poppe (NP): My two favorites are The Explorers which relates many of details of adventurous individuals who haveSW: Any big concerns or challenges that youre facing shaped our world over the years. My other favorite is Nationalright now?Geographics Overheard. This podcast shares many of the topicsNP: There are a few concerns that will continue to be that National Geographic staff are involved with.challenging in 2022. Shifting and unpredictable weather patterns have caused and continue to be a source of concern SW: Do you have a favorite flower cultivar? as it relates to production planning and inventory control. NP: I really enjoy Zinnias. At Applewood Seed, we haveShipping logistics and increased shipping costs continue to be worked hard to bring many of the older cultivars back intoan issue that we try to manage carefully but the global supply the marketplace. We now have over 20 cultivars and severalchain issues that have become nearly everyday conversation mixtures of complimentary colors. If I had to pick one, it wouldare a challenge to deal with so that we can mitigate these cost be Zinnia elegans California Giants. increases. Government policies are an ever-present concern that we actively monitor for possible positive or negative impacts on SW: Howd you get started working with flowers andour business.natives?NP: I started in the horticulture industry while I was still in highSW: Whats your top priority for 2022?school. My early involvement seeing the beauty that could beNP: As a newly formed Employee Stock Ownership Plan brought to a home landscape had an influence on my first job in(ESOP), it is imperative that we manage Applewood Seed Co. horticulture which was at a company named European Flowerfor the benefit of the employee owners, our growers and our Markets. That job in large part paid for my degree in horticulturecustomers. Continued investment in mentoring and training of from Oregon State University. After graduation, I worked forthe Applewood Seed Co. staff will be an important component two large floral companies before moving to Applewood Seedof this succession plan. We are working through collaborative Co. in 1988. Over time it became increasingly apparent thatefforts to improve policies, processes, and procedures. Through working in the flower seed business is a balancing act betweenthese activities we plan to improve our customer experience so the science of the native and ornamental items and beauty thatthat they can enjoy the beauty and function that flower seeds these species, varieties, and cultivar bring to a landscape. Evenbring to landscapes or ecosystems.SWafter 30 years, I can feel like I am just getting started on working 46/ SEEDWORLD.COMFEBRUARY 2022'