b'I N D U S T R Y N E W S Delivering the news you need to know. Submissions welcomeemail us at news@seedworldgroup.com. track and profit from practices reducing CO2 emis-sions, underlining its efforts to contribute to fighting climate change. The Global Carbon Farming Program, which will be launched in early 2022, will support BASF Agricultural Solutions commitment to reduce the carbon footprint per ton of crop produced by 30% by 2030 in wheat, soy, rice, canola and corn. Sakata Seed America Announces Sale of Carrot Program to Illinois Foundation Seeds, Inc.Sakata Seed America has officially signed an agree-ment finalizing the sale of its carrot breeding pro-gram to long-standing corporate partner, Illinois Foundation Seeds, Inc., or IFSI. Bayer to Launch Project CarbonviewBayer, Bushel and Amazon Web Services (AWS) University of Georgia researchers have identified arecently unveiled Project Carbonview. It is a first-of-new species of bacteria, which they have namedits-kind technology solution that will help farmers in the United States drive more sustainable supply chains Pseudomonas alliivoransfrom allium vorans,and mitigate the impact agriculture has on the envi-which translates as onion devourer or eater. As partronment by aggregating the carbon footprint of end of a multistate, four-year project, UGA Cooperativeproducts. Extension vegetable disease specialist BhabeshFMC Corporation Signs Agreements with Dutta and his team surveyed onions at every stageCorteva AgriscienceFMC Corporation announced it has signed multi-year of productionfrom seedling to mature bulbagreements with Corteva Agriscience to continue to and all the way to storageto understand whatsupply Rynaxypyr and Cyazypyr actives to Corteva diseases are present, how they manifest and whatfor seed treatment products. can be done to prevent them. Computomics Developing New Machine Learning Methods for Plant BreedingTogether with Weihenstephan University of Applied Citrus Greening Disease Can Infect an EntireSciencesTUM Campus Straubing, Computomics Tree Weeks Before Symptoms Appear is working on New machine learning techniques for Scientists were able to measure the speed of a bacte- more accurate plant breeding by integrating heteroge-rium that causes the incurable citrus greening disease.neous external factors, funded by the BMBF. The goal Using a statistical modeling analysis and measurementis to increase yield and become more sustainable. approach, researchers were able to follow Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus through a tree. Bayer Crop Science Launches Plant-Based Protein Research Call for AcademicsBUSINESS NEWS Bayer Crop Science is running a campaign through Eurofins BioDiagnostics adds BDI Prime Seq toIN-PARTs Discover platform to find and fund new Accelerate Corn Breeding Efforts academic partners working on plant-based protein Eurofins BioDiagnostics, Inc. announced the valida- production for human health, sustainable agriculture, tion of BDI Prime Seq as a sequencing based methodfood and industrial applications. for testing of maize breeding populations. Benson Hill Finalizes First Commercial Harvest BASF Agricultural Solutions to Launch Globalof Ultra-High Protein Soybean VarietiesCarbon Farming Program Benson Hill, Inc. is finalizing the 2021 harvest of its BASF is establishing a program that allows farmers toproprietary soybean varieties, including the first 64/ SEEDWORLD.COMFEBRUARY 2022'