b'A look at seed industry developments around the globe.The EU Parliament adoptsSTATUS CHINA to reduce our environmentalon a basis of a comprehensive a resolution in responseADAMA Ltd. reported that itfootprint as much as possibleIP regime. MEPs also highlight has commenced operationswhile producing safe, high- the key role IPR plays in incen-to the Commissions EUat its new manufacturing sitequality products, says Davidtivizing research and protec-Intellectual Property Actionin Jingzhou, Hubei Province,Ben Simon, ADAMAs Head oftion of innovation products.following a comprehensiveChina Operations. The Community Plant plan while India works tothree-year relocation andSimon adds, The com- Variety Office commends the develop the Doaba region asupgrade process, bringingmencement of operationsHonourable Members of the the site to global best-in-classat our new Jingzhou facilityEuropean Parliament for this a potato seed hub. safety and environmentalis a major milestone in ourvery important resolution.standards. commitment to bringing ourThis resolution adopted The new, purpose-built site,backward-integrated solu- with a large majority in the in an approved industrial zone,tions to the market whileEuropean Parliament shows is a key component in ADAMAsmeeting global standards ofthat the EU policy-makers global manufacturing layoutsustainability in our facilitiesvalue the strategic role of and is expected to deliver sig- worldwide. intellectual property rights for nificant operational efficienciesboosting the single market, and cost reductions.supporting SMEs and ena-The advanced facility cur- STATUS EU bling Europe to address the rently produces Acephate, aOn 11 November, themajor societal challenges wide-spectrum insecticide,European Parliament (EP)of our time such as climate and its intermediate DMPAT,adopted with a large majoritychange and the protection securing ADAMAs leading(454 votes for, 94 against andof natural resources, says global position in this key mol- 23 abstentions) a resolution inFrancesco Mattina, Acting ecule. While the new site hasresponse to the CommissionsPresident of the CPVO.only recently resumed pro- EU Intellectual Property duction, the company expectsAction plan.output levels to graduallyIn its resolution, the EPSTATUS INDIAramp up over the comingpresents a series of recom- In a first of its kind horticul-months. The transformedmendations for upcomingture summit, Horticulture new site is also designed toEU initiatives in the field ofMinister Rana Gurjeet Singh accommodate additional newintellectual property rightssays the Punjab Government molecules emerging from theand emphasises that thewould develop the Doaba companys strong develop- protection and enforcementregion as a potato seed hub ment pipeline. of intellectual property rightsas the soil health of this area The new, advanced siteare of great importance foris fully suitable for the pro-includes a state-of-the-artthe European economy andduction of world class potato wastewater facility, a thermalfor the recovery and resilienceseeds.oxidation system for the elimi- of the EU, especially in view ofAddressing the farmers nation of emissions and odors,the COVID-19 pandemic andwho take part in the horticul-and is designed to meet theother global crisis. ture summit on the campus highest international HSEIt also stresses the particu- of IK Gujral Punjab Technical standards. lar importance of intellectualUniversity, the minister says Our strong track record inproperty rights for small andPunjab has become the first rapidly enhancing HSE stand- medium-sized enterprisesstate in the country to pass ards at our facilities globally,(SMEs) and micro-enter- the tissue-based Seed Potato especially in Israel, and ourprises, asking the EuropeanAct 2021, under which the significant investments inCommission to continue totraceability and certification recent years in our facilities,help European companiesof potato seeds were made both in China and globally,innovate and develop keymandatory to ensure quality enables us to continue strivingtechnologies at a global levelcontrol of seeds. He also says 60/ SEEDWORLD.COMFEBRUARY 2022'