b'THE HR HANDBOOKHow to Manage for Health ConflictFOR ONE MOMENT,consider how you feel aboutanotherto see that we have more in common than workplace disagreementa passionate conversation,we might see on the surface. The more we see some-strong debate or animated discussions? one is like us, the more we tend to judge them like we If even this mere reflection on workplace conflictjudge ourselveswith good intentions. You might makes you feel bit uncomfortable, its natural. Humansrecognize this idea as trust. Building trust is the basis of are social creatures and watching others appear tohealthy conflict. not get along, let alone personal involvement, ignitesTo create conditions for useful debate, we must a natural fight or flight response. As a leader, you loseactually talk about debate. Now, not in the middle of patience with discussion and debate during meetingsa heated discussion, is a better time to talk about how because it slows things down. Culturally, we have comewe talk to each other. Now is a time to express that JONATHAN SHAVERto interpret disagreement as a lack of unity and rarelyit is your desire to hear different perspectives and to is the president andas a path to achieve an agreed upon outcome. ensure that the team is thinking through the issue fully owner of EnvisionHowever emotional, we logically know the value ofto develop the best solutions. Partners LLC.disagreement at work. The best solution to a problem is rarely the first solution. We must compare, contrast, identify strengths and weaknesses of ideas in order to make the best decisions. Therefore, as leaders, you must recognize and help overcome the fear of conflict, debate and discussion; take the time to have it, and actually create a workplace where healthy disagree- This goal starts with youby believing that ment is expected. This goal starts with youby believing that othersothers have good intentions. have good intentions. Unfortunately, we all have at least one experience of bad intention that sticks with us forever, and that pain influences us still today. This mindset is something close to a concept called the fun-damental attribution error. The fundamental attribution error suggests that we tend to judge ourselves by our good intentions, even in the face of bad behavior, and judge others by their behaviors, and assume bad inten- During your next meeting, pay attention to your tions. Therefore, we must continuously recognize ourown feelings about disagreement; be clear on the tendency to assume bad intentions and purposefullyexpectation for how you and your team have agreed to work to look for, ask about and create the conditionsdebate; watch for negative behaviors that might come for the good intentions to be overtly expressed.from assuming bad intentions, and remind everyone of When behaviors are interpreted as deliberatelythe value of presenting alternative points of view. negative, we tend to stop listening, disregard the otherHere are a few lines that you can use to encourage person and build strong resentments. This internal atti- discussion in your next meeting. tude might look like interrupting or talking over others,I think this is a really important issue we need to rolling eyes, not responding, changing the subject ortalk through openly.complaining after the meeting.Thank you for raising the issue, exploring the alter-The most sustainable way to reduce fundamentalnatives.attribution error is to get to know others on a personalIt took guts to put that on the table. I appreciate level and help your team members get to know onethat SW32/ SEEDWORLD.COMFEBRUARY 2022'