b'REGULATORY ROUNDUP Keeping you informed of legislative and regulatory changes at the state, national and international levelsfrom lawsuits to approvals to other regulatory issues affecting your business.NATIONAL ties for trade. Specifically, theexpands a broad patent port- pests and diseases, drought ASTA PRAISES PASSAGEagreement: provides strongerfolio that is already being usedstress and other challenges OF USMCA support for agricultural bio- to improve human and animalfacing farmers globally The following is a statementtechnology; recognizes thehealth and crop breeding. with broader advantage of from American Seed Tradeimportance of evolving plantThe new patent is the 18threduced production costs, Association (ASTA) Presidentbreeding methods like geneinvolving CRISPR-Cas9 tech- improved crop quality and & CEO Andy LaVigne regard- editing; strengthens science- nology received this year byenvironmental protection from ing passage of the U.S.- based sanitary and phytosani- the UC and its collaboratorsuse of excessive pesticides Mexico-Canada Agreementtary regulations; and provides the University of Viennathrough chemical sprays.on trade: strong intellectual propertyand Emmanuelle Charpentier, The Houses bipartisanprotections, including awho co-invented the tech- KOREA SEED & VARIETY passage of USMCA is greatrequirement for the adoptionnology with UC BerkeleysSERVICE SIGNS MOU WITH news for the American seedof UPOV 91 by the agreementJennifer Doudna, professorNAKTUINBOUW industry and agriculture asparticipating countries. of molecular and cell biologyKorea Seed & Variety Service a whole. Seed is a globaland of chemistry. Charpentierannounced on Dec. 11 that industry, with U.S. exportsUC RINGS OUT 2019 WITHcurrently is director of the Maxit signed a memorandum of totaling $1.9 billion in 2018.ITS 20TH CRISPR PATENT Planck Institute for Infectionunderstanding (MOU) with Seed exports to the U.S.The federal governmentBiology in Berlin, Germany. Naktuinbouw, a Dutch breed largest marketsMexico andhas given the University ofand seed testing agency, to Canadacombined for a totalCalifornia (UC) a New YearsINTERNATIONAL advance the operation of new of $630 million. Eve giftits 20th U.S. patentBOOSTING BT IN KENYA plant products and to cooper-The USMCA includes theon CRISPR-Cas9 gene-editingThe commercial farming ofate in seed quality certifica-seed industrys core priori- technologies. The additionBt cotton in Kenya is set totion technology.ensure farmers earn moreThe agreement is an from the crop throughextension of the pact signed increased production. on Nov. 4, 2014, and the main Seed and grain It will also boost the manu- contents of this agreement facturing pillar of the Big 4include cooperation for the cleanerS Agenda where Kenya seeksdevelopment of new plant for the world to establish itself as a regionalspecies protection system and leader in textile and apparelseed quality certification tech-production. nology, exchange of experts Air Screen Cleaners The performance trial wasto improve the production done after an environmen- system of high-quality seeds tal release approval by theand breeding materials, joint National Bio-safety Authorityoperation of breeding pro-(NBA) in 2016, based ontection training courses for Environmental Impactdeveloping countries, and Assessment clearance certifi- the opening of working-level cate and licence for open fieldtraining courses between the trials issued in 2018. two agencies.Indented Cylinder Length Separator The progress is a major break- It is expected to contribute Crippen Northland through for Kenya, whichto the development of Koreas lags behind other Africanseed industry through seed Superior Supply Co. countries in deployment of Btmanagement and screen-technology despite enormousing education by sharing its 8-851 Lagimodiere Blvd.knowledge in plant breedingexpertise in seed field with the Winnipeg, MB for insect-resistance cottonNetherlands Naktuinbouw, Ph: 204-925-6141 and many crops includingknown as the world-class seed www.northlandsuperior.com Gravity Separator maize. protection and seed quality Bt technology has beentesting agency. (Source: Korea used to mitigate effects ofTimes) SW68/ SEEDWORLD.COMFEBRUARY 2020'