b'YEAR of the LANTANAOrigin:What Makes It so Different? Europe There are 150 species of lantana in the verbena family (Verbenaceae) and Family: the most commonly used ornamental Verbenaceae selection is Lantana camara. Hardy to zone 8, this plant can be a perennial (tender perennial in zone 7) or even a Genus:medium shrub in frost-free locations. It Lantana is most commonly used as an annual in colder areas. Want a flower that keeps on flowering throughout the summer is A Bit of History: scorching heat and dry conditions? Then Lantana has a rich history of beingLantana is the perfect plant to grow in utilized in the garden for long-lasting,your garden and containers! These plants colorful blooms, superior heatlove the heat and like to be kept on the tolerance and the ability to attract bees,drier side. They do best in full sun and well-butterflies and hummingbirds. Featuringdrained soil and hate to be overwatered.clusters of bright colors, solid as well as multi-color, Lantana can be used in containers, landscaping and hangingPopular Lantana Series: baskets. In the 18th century, lantana wasBandana, Bandito, Bandolero, Bloomify, a popular greenhouse plant in EuropeHavana, Landmark, Little Lucky, Lucky, and breeding efforts were extensive,Lusciousresulting in hundreds of available selections. Source: National Garden Bureau28/ SEEDWORLD.COMFEBRUARY 2020'