b'there is the opportunity toas CRISPR and most NBTs to open the discussion to con- the same regulatory regimeEPIGENETICSsider whether it is appropriategoverning GMO approval. for some of these new tech- The Courts decision effec- DNA modifications that do not change the DNA sequence can affect gene activity. nologies that include gene- tively puts the future of theseChemical compounds that are added to single genes can regulate their activity. editing to be eligible to betechnologies into an indefiniteThese modifications are known as epigenetic changes. used to enhance organic pro- regulatory limbo. duction and to have droughtWhile plant breedingThe fact that gene functioning is affected by epigenetic marks has been known and disease-resistant varieties,companies may be enthu- for decades. The word epigenetic literally means in addition to changes in as well as higher-yield varietiessiastic in principle aboutgenetic sequence. The term has evolved to include any process that alters gene available, Ibach testified. introducing new breedingactivity without changing the DNA sequence. These alterations lead to stable and In the European market,technologies into Europeaninheritable modifications that can be transmitted to daughter cells. genetically altered seedsbreeding programs, European are either prohibited or veryconsumers do not openlyThe epigenome comprises all of the chemical compounds that have been added tightly regulated. Withoutsupport GM foods. There isto the entirety of an individual DNA genome as a way to regulate the activity further regulatory action thatno real market for geneticallyor expression of the genes within the genome. The chemical compounds of the would involve separate legisla- improved crops in the EU.epigenome are not part of the DNA sequence but are on or attached to DNA. tive approval procedures forGM foods are rarely foundEpigenetic modifications remain as cells divide and in plants can be inherited most NBT products, productson store shelves, reportsfrom one generation to the next. Environmental influences such as exposure to derived using biotechnol- Tomasz Zimny, lead authorpollutants can also impact the epigenome. Epigenetic changes can help determine ogy are highly regulated andof a July 2019 analysis of thegene expression. Patterns of epigenetic modification vary among individuals, difficult to market. NeededEU legal status of NBTs. Thedifferent tissues within an individual and even different cells.changes in legislation doanalysis was published by not appear likely in the nearthe Institute of Law Studies,A common type of epigenetic modification is methylation. Methylation involves future. To make any changes,Polish Academy of Sciences,attaching small methyl groups, each consisting of one carbon atom and three the EU Commission wouldWarszawa. hydrogen atoms, to segments of DNA. When methyl groups are added to a require a widespread politicalAnother legal setback forparticular gene, that gene is turned off or silenced, and no protein is produced consensus and strong publicNBTs occurred in Decemberfrom that gene.support before making any2019, when the European changes favorable to NBTCommission unveiled termsSource: U.S. National Library of Medicine,U.S. Department of Health and Human Servicesproducts. Both will be difficultof its Green Deal, a regula-to achieve given the contro- tory framework intended versial nature of the technol- to achieve a climate-neutraland NA Regional Crops atWhen we look out to 2040, ogy. The Court of Justice ofeconomy by 2050. All previ- Corteva said in a recent Seedreally mastering the genome the European Union (CJEU)ous mentions of whether orWorld interview. We needand being able to leverage in July 2018 issued a judg- not to classify NBTs as GMOthe world to have a synchro- genetic diversity at all levels ment in the Case C-528/16was deleted from the Greennous view and global policiesand in all places will be front on mutagenesis went againstDeal proposal. toward these technologyand center. The frontiers of the opinion of the AdvocateWere at the forefront ofopportunities; otherwise, wethe future are changing, and General. The CJEU opted for agenome editing technology,(as in society) will never reapwe as an organization have broad application of the GMOand I consider this genomethe benefits of future versionsto be ready to change if we legislation that would subjectediting 1.0, David Bubeck,of enabling plant breedingare going to shape the future products of genome epige- Research Director - Logisticstechnologies such as genomeseed market. SWnome editing techniques suchfor Global Breeding Servicesediting version 10.0 or 20.0. ENDORSED BY 50/ SEEDWORLD.COMFEBRUARY 2020'