b'International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources SmoldersA look at how the International Treaty impacts working companies.Julie Deering jdeering@issuesink.comITS NOT UP INsmoke and ashes just yet,tal sequence information. One of the hot points at but the International Treaty on Plant Geneticstake is the access- and benefit-sharing of genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (ITPGRFA)sequence data. Many countries including the is smoldering as the governing body failed toUnited States, Canada, Australia and Japan do not come together late last year on a compromise tobelieve digital sequencing information should be enhance the Multilateral System of access- andincluded as part of the access- and benefit-sharing benefit-sharing.regulations. However, others, especially developing Despite this outcome, companies still need tocountries, have a different point of view.access germplasm for breeding efforts, and theIn short, the problem remained that the frame-International Seed Federation (ISF) says the ITPGRFAwork was not realistic in the business environment.remains the preferred tool for access- and benefit- The idea behind the International Treaty (IT) sharing of genetic resources for plant breeders. and the Multilateral System for access- and benefit-The benefit of the plant treaty is that countriessharing is very good, but the implementation is already agree on the language and contractualvery bad, shares Jos R of RiceTec Ag.terms; it just requires signatures by the accessingR says that RiceTec has basically avoided using party and the country from where the materialthe Standard Material Transfer Agreement (SMTA) originates, explains Hlne Khan Niazi, ISF interna- and stopped accessing material from the International tional agricultural manager. Rice Research Institute, better known as IRRI, andBY THE NUMBERS:For six years, the point of contention thats beenothers that have valuable genetic materials.up for debate is how access- and benefit-sharingSince the IT went into force, weve been greatly64cropsshould work, as well as bring more money to therestricted in the material we can access from ourare covered by the Benefit Sharing Fund of the Treaty for actions ofpoint, R says. The IT just doesnt make businesstreaty, which accounts agricultural development in developing countries.sense, and we cant compromise our germplasmfor 80% of the food The seed sector, which is not a negotiatingand breeding effortsthats our business. It also party, brought the users point of view. In the end,really impacts the way we track and document ourderived by plants.there was almost an agreement for two ways tobreeding efforts.access and share the benefits: either by becomingIn a given year, RiceTec might explore six or so146countries are a subscriber to the system and paying an annualaccessions that could add value to its breeding fee based on the companys turnover, or a pay- program. signatory to the treaty.ment per accession once a product is put on theAll this year, weve been forced to go outside market, at a higher fee.of the treaty to negotiate bilateral agreements with2004However, parties have not been able to reach anindividual countries to access germplasm, says theis the year the ITPGRFA agreement on these new conditions of access- andvice president and business development lead for benefit-sharing, especially on the treatment of digi- new products globally. entered into force.12/ SEEDWORLD.COMFEBRUARY 2020'