b'STEVE DEJONG Providing Reliable Service in PRESIDENT,PROFILE INDUSTRIES, INC. a Just in Time Worldsteve@profile-ind.com www.profile-ind.com/ProfileIndUSATHE JUST-IN-TIMEmanufacturingdrivers are choosing short-distance movement has been in full swing fordelivery positions. Allow as much lead Got Data! quite some time as entities throughouttime as possible.Consider keeping a the value chain work to improve inven- Stock ahead. tory turnover and other key metrics.percentage of forecasted sales on-While this is an accepted practicehand as safety stock. Manage inven-lauded across multiple industries, ittory throughout the year to have a DATA IS RAW,unorganized facts that need tocan have negative side effects: nothigher percentage of stock during be processed. Data can be something simple andhaving enough inventory when youpeak periods and then phase it out seemingly random and useless until it is organ- need it, producing undesirable lagduring slow times. This will enable ized. When data is processed, organized, struc- times or missed sales opportunities. on-time delivery and opportunistic tured or presented in a context to make it useful, itStriking a balance between just-in- selling.becomes information. time deliveries and excess inventoryStrategic Partnership. With the We use information derived from data everyis critical in providing timely servicerecent addition of Nufarms plant in day, all day. As a form of research, measurement,to customers. Logistically, just-in-timeGreenville, Mississippi, were strategi-financial benefits, exercise, etc. I personally lovemanufacturing strains the systemcally located with three manufactur-data and the information that comes out of it!to deliver products from one end ofing sites to serve the channel with Processing improvement offers a unique formthe value chain to the other. But, inplanning and precision. This includes of data collecting. Because of the many variablestodays challenging market, there arehigh-speed formulation and packag-involved, different areas of the world, differentmany situations where an early loading, versatile bulk or technical deliv-commodities, different machines and sometimeswasnt feasible. How can we addressery, and reliable access to pack-ready just plain opinions, raw data gets analyzed. Thethis situation as we approach a busyinventory. information that comes from data analysis forpart of the year with constraints onThis year may be another chal-processing improvement is spectacular. It allowsspace, inventory levels, and transpor- lenging one, but with ample com-for a decision to be made on where improvementstation?munication and additional planning, can be made or if they need to be made. Here is anCommunication. Communicationwe can actively work toward mutual example of turning raw data into information.is always important, but conversa- success.We have years of data behind us that comparetions with suppliers and customers one product to the next. The Information from ourare even more crucial in advance of data allows for 25% more system capacity, 15%the busy season to ensure all par-more good seed in the bag with export/import- ties understand timing and volume. able pristine quality seed. This is based on soybeanThis can be as simple as a follow-up and mustard applications. This defined informationwith customers and giving advanced started with raw data.notice to suppliers. Once weve found patterns, were faced withLogistics.Keep in mind the making decisions at a granularity far finer thannumber of shipments that are taking anything weve comfortably made in the past.place during key periods and remem-Basically, armed with the data information is some- ber that there will be added pressure. thing that we count on to make us better, moreThe shipping industry is facing a driver efficient and confidently able to move forward. shortage as many over-the-road Data is a friend of the information age. What we learn from raw data is not only real, it is also a perfecting tool to create undeniable facts about goods and products. Processing improvements finishes the cycle of each growing season. Throughout the process,BRANDON SCOTT raw data was created, perfected and translated toSEED TREATMENT BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT informative information!AND SERVICE, NUFARMbrandon.scott@nufarm.comnufarm.com/38/ SEEDWORLD.COMFEBRUARY 2020'