b'Watermelon Around the World Southern growers and home gardeners in the late 19th "Consumer preferences vary enormously around theand early 20th centuries. These melons have a brix world, says Isabel Cayuela Zamora, head of cropvalue of 12.5, nearly as sweet as apple juice. marketing, Nunhems Netherlands BV. DevelopedDuring the height of its popularity, sweet Bradford markets such as the United States, Europe, Australia,watermelon juice was routinely boiled into molasses or and Japan prefer seedless watermelon, and the trenddistilled into brandy for cocktails. Some growers would is moving towards smaller sizes and fresh-cut options.stand guard at night to prevent interlopers from get-Latin America is a traditional market where water- ting a five-finger-special on this prized fruit. Eventually, melons are still big and seeded. However, in the pastcommercial production of Bradford melons waned few years we have seen seedless and smaller sizes92%and ended in the early 1920s. Although its skin is quite entering into markets such as Brazil. India is a tradi- of watermelonthick, it is too soft to allow the melons to be shipped to tional seeded market. In China, you can find everythingis made ofmarket without damage. Now regarded as an heirloom from seeded to seedless and from big and small sizes.water. variety, Bradford is being reintroduced by the original An emerging trend is a preference for small/personalBradford family that popularized the variety more than sizes watermelons even if they have micro-seeds or150 years ago. edible seeds."Some of the largest watermelons in the United With watermelons, it universally comes down to40States are on display each year at the Hope shape and flavor. is the amountWatermelon Festival in Hope, Ark. These gigantic According to Greg Tolla, retired vegetable breederof caloriesmelons dwarf the commercial varieties sold in grocery for Seminis Vegetable Seeds, shape preferences differper cup astores and farmers markets. The Guinness Book of around the globe.watermelonWorld Records reports the heaviest watermelon ever "In South America, all countries except for Brazilhas. recorded in the United States was a 350.5-lb. melon prefer a traditional, elongated shape watermelon. Brazilraised by a Tennessee grower in 2013. Medium and wants a round shape, he says. The smaller, roundlarge commercially grown melons sold in grocery watermelon is also the winner in Europe. In Spain, forstores range in size from 18 lbs. to 21 lbs. example, the preferred size is around 10-12 pounds,113,000 Per capita U.S. watermelon consumption was and smaller 5-pound watermelons are also produced.acres ofestimated to be 15.8 pounds in 2018. Total watermelon Towards the East, in Turkey, the preference is still forwatermelonconsumption in the United States was estimated to be large, 20-pound melons. This is a recent trend as muchwere grown in5.2 billion pounds in 2018. bigger sizes used to be favored.2017, accordingOur preference for seedless watermelons is a trend About 15 years ago, there was a big breeding effortto the USDA. that began to take hold about 10 years ago. While globally towards smaller size melons. Plant breederswatermelon is enjoyable as a refreshing summer staple, thought it was going to change the market. However,it also provides a nutritious punch. Each serving pro-the personal size never became more than 10% of thevides an excellent source of Vitamin C, a good source market. Bigger watermelons continue to be favored as350.5of Vitamin B6, and a delicious way to stay hydrated they are relatively less expensive.pounds waswith only 80 calories.Regardless of size, consumers everywhere gener- the largestReflecting consumers\' changing preferences for ally prefer sweet and flavorful watermelon with redrecordedlighter, more varied fare, watermelon items are becom-flesh. watermeloning more popular in restaurants and bars. According in the Unitedto a recent study commissioned by the National Sweet, Nutritious and Occasionally Very Large States. Watermelon Promotion Board, watermelon on menus Because watermelons vary greatly in sweetness, thehas grown by 54% in the past four years. U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has set fruitIn 2018, Dutch vegetable breeding company, quality standards based on Brix, a scale of sweetnessNuhems, introduced Kisy, a sweet, personal-sized, that is estimated by measuring total soluble solids85% easy-to-eat watermelon. Its deep red-colored flesh using a refractometer. of watermelonis easy to eat with a spoon as if it were an ice cream According to the USDA 1978 Standards for Gradesshipmentssundae. Its easy-to-eat properties also make it ideal to of Watermelons, edible parts of the fruit having notin 2014 wereuse for mixing watermelon cocktails.less than eight brix are deemed to be "Good," whilefor seedless"We were aware that young consumers are eating edible parts of the fruit having more than 10 brix arewatermelon,less and less watermelon as the fruit is perceived as deemed to be "Very Good." While there are hundredsup from 51% ininconvenient, explains Hans Driessen, Nunhems plant of watermelon cultivars grown commercially in the2003.breeder. The goal was to develop a personal water-United States with a wide range of sweetness, themelon that can be eaten as one single portion, can sweetest watermelon is reported to be the Bradfordbe carried in your bag and can be a healthy and tasty variety. This legendary melon was a favorite ofoption as a snack." 56/ SEEDWORLD.COMFEBRUARY 2020'