b'Its imperative that as an industry we take a proactive approach in protecting TIPpollinators. operationpollinator.comThey have precautionary languagethe specific needs of their state because it at the beginning and then they actuallylooks quite a bit different in North Dakota get very specific, with instructions forversus the Central Valley of California.each particular crop and each particularMost state MP3s can be found through agricultural area, Flakne says.a states Department of Agriculture, but The addition of the bee advisory box,Fleeson encourages anyone looking for when necessary, is especially helpful.information to check aapco.org. That bee box immediately draws theNot every state developed their plans applicators attention and explains whatthe same way, she says. There is a list of specific steps are necessary to protectpesticide regulatory officials for all states pollinators, Flakne says.which may assist someone looking for Labels even break down usagestate specific information. There is also based on crops that do or do not requireinformation regarding pollinator protec-contracted pollinator services, includingtion plans in general. bloom regulations, notification of bee-keepers and temperature or time of dayCreating Connectionsrestrictions. MP3s go farther than the law in order toThough each states plan is different, It makes it easy to reference with thatprotect pollinators.there are several common elements, bee box drawing attention to it, Flakneincluding steps to improve pollinator says.ments, but there are other things they canhabitat and the management of hives, as If there are questions concerning aconsider. well as communication guidelines for hive label, Flakne recommends producers andIf there are any specific concerns forowners and their neighboring producers. applicators reach out to their retailers, salespollinators, MP3s often go a little far- Many plans also include steps that representatives or local extension officers.ther, Fleeson says, mentioning an MP3applicators can take to reduce any All you have to do is ask, he says.might encourage users to consider otherpotential hazards to pollinators, such as Folks are there to answer questions.products or other types of applicationschanging the times they apply certain Fleeson says most commercial appli- if pollinators are known to be in the areaproducts, he says. We all know pollina-cators would not have trouble under- and one type of application could puttors are critical, not only to agriculture but standing product labels, but, if needed,them at risk.to our broader society as well. All of these there are resources available including theThese plans do not inhibit or restrictthings make a difference. EPA and state university websites. the use of these products, but it asksSyngenta works with the Honeybee applicators to take the extra step to thinkHealth Coalition to draw more attention Moving Beyond with MP3s through everything they can do, she says.to these efforts. After concerns over pollinator populationThe MP3 program began in 2014,We are trying to make it real for decline, nearly every state has implementedwhen President Obama established thepeople and continue to increase commu-additional best practices through MP3s,Pollinator Health Task Force. As a result,nication and cooperation between groups which go above and beyond the label. the Environmental Protection Agencythat might not normally work together, Managed Pollinator Protection Plansproposed each state create its ownFlakne says. are voluntary plans that a number ofManaged Pollinator Protection Plan toFleeson says all of this matters states, territories and tribes have put intake local and regional circumstancesbecause we know that worldwide, there place to minimize exposure of pesticidesinto account. In most states, developmenthas been a decline of pollinators, and we to bees, Fleeson says. These take thewas relegated to the states agriculturalall have to do what we can. Reading the product label to the next step.department, which is often also responsi- label and taking additional stewardship For one thing, MP3s help increase com- ble for pesticide regulation. steps through MP3s can help.munication between beekeepers, produc- That process included a lot of stake- We are one piece of a huge puzzle of ers, and applicators, which helps mitigateholder involvement, with everyone fromthings affecting pollinators, but if every-acute exposures of bees to pesticides.many walks of life, Flakne says. We hadone does what they can do, it will help In many cases, the applicator willbeekeepers, seed companies, chemicalimprove pollinator health overall, she review the label and follow the require- registrants and producers all talking aboutsays. SWFEBRUARY 2020SEEDWORLD.COM /33'