b'JIM SCHWEIGERTLicense to HuntPRESIDENT, GRO ALLIANCE @jim_schweigert jim.schweigert@groalliance.com I LOVE HUNTING.I used to do much more of GroAlliance.comit when I was younger and had more free time. Todays young hunters have to take a training course in order to get their license to hunt. In my early days, I would have just grab Dads gun while he was at work and go hunting. I may have actu-Its Amazing What You Canally stumbled onto some success with a squirrel or rabbit. I didnt have a hunting license and I didnt Accomplish When You Do Notso much as care about having one. There are par-allels from my hunting experience in industry.A manufacturers first products can have similar Care Who Gets the Credit beginnings. They begin by selling something and then deciding to build it themselves, without asking Dad, and without a hunting license. Like hunting, their small, initial successes put a fire in their belly. Their PROMOTING EMPLOYEESfromplishing company-wide goals. want for larger trophies keeps them going. When a within is one of the most rewardingPresident Harry Truman said it bestcompany manufactures products, adding features moments for a company. It showswith this quote: Its amazing what youand benefits that arent available from others may everyone in the organization thatcan accomplish when you do not carecreate the fire for more success. Improved quality advancement opportunities exist.who gets the credit.and shortened lead time are drivers. It encourages employees, at everyPresident Truman knew thatSome of the belt conveyor and bucket elevator level, to continue their efforts. It alsoif individuals worked only for theproducts that we manufacture could be on their shows them they may be rewardedadvancement of their own interests,fifth generation or more. These product iterations with more responsibility and com- the government could not succeed. may have been driven by better safety features, by pensation. It means the role theyActions such as spreading rumors,increased capacity, by new ideas, by manufactur-have is a career and not just a job. internal politicking or outright sabo- ability, by appeal to our end users, by innovative However, it can be difficult totage would be employed by individualschanges in their features or by new technology. create these promotion opportunities.more concerned about their own posi- The equipment we make has the features we Long-term career planning trackstion than the governments success.would want for the equipment we would use in our can be derailed by business evolu- This was especially true during theown plants. tions, market factors and competitoryears after World War II as the entireThese are the larger trophies for us. We keep an actions. It can also be challenging toworld order was being redefined. eye toward constant improvement. We look for the move employees from one businessThis is true for any organization. features and benefits that you need, as indicated division to another as competencyAll employees working for theby the feedback we receive. By listening, by watch-and opportunity are hard to align. benefit of the company can only being, by testing the wind, by following the tracks, Perhaps the most challengingachieved if employees are rewardedby looking at the sign, by training aspect is creating a culture thatand advanced based on their con- ourselves, by taking a shot, by rewards employee contribution to thetribution to the overall business andour success stories, I am glad to company and not just actions thatnot personal gain. Leadership cansay that we have been able to help advance their individual careers.only reward the right employeesearn our License to Hunt.The balance is incredibly compli- by having a deep understanding of cated. Employees need to stand outwhat actions and efforts contribute amongst their peers, which can leadto company-wide goals. This takes to actions that minimize the contribu- constant monitoring at every level tions of others while promoting them- and in every division of the company. ROBIN OMARA selves. Company leadership needs toA key sign that the proper culture has PRESIDENT, OMARA AG SERVICEShave a very clear understanding oftaken effect is when internal promo-how each employee contributes totions are obvious to almost everyoneromara60@msn.comomara-ag.com/the overall business, rather than justin the organization and advancement recognizing those who engage in self- of an employee is celebrated by his or promotion at the expense of accom- her peers.FEBRUARY 2020SEEDWORLD.COM /37'