b'From Consumers to Curators URI KRIEGERHEAD OF NORTH AMERICA SEEDS DEVELOPMENT, SYNGENTAAS SOMEONE WHO has spent much of their marketing career in the food indus- Uri.Krieger@syngenta.comsyngenta-us.com/greenleaf-geneticscstry and personally loves seeking out the latest food benefits, this is one of my favorite times of year. Its the perfect time to get a sneak peek into whats going to have everyone talking (and buying) for the next couple of years. While the stream of food trends is ever-changing, moving from fat-free toThe What, How and Why of extreme carb avoidance to paleo diets, etc., we are at a tipping point where the consumer is setting the market direction with their choices. They have becomeTechnical Dataincreasingly aware of the relationship between their food choices and health, and, consequently, are more comfortable taking control of what they eat and seeking out their preferred foods. WHEN WE CONSIDERall the data we rely on With each conscious choice a consumer makes, they are flexing theirin our day-to-day life, its inevitable that technical muscle, their voice, and their buying power in a way that is fundamentallydata will continue to transform the way we help changing the products being produced. Look at the growth in plant-basedfarmers in the future. The volume of numbers and foods and beverages. You can now easily find a veggie burger at Burger Kinginformation can be overwhelming, so its our job as or a plant-based breakfast sandwich at your local Dunkin, for example, andprofessionals to narrow the focus and consider what this has come to pass in the last year or so. This consumer dynamic is creatingdata is needed to drive decisions, how it can best be a food system where demand drives supply rather than the other way around.used and why its relevant to take these extra steps.And it is sending ripples through the entire value chain that are becomingWhat: At Syngenta, our approach is to col-tsunami waves of change.laborate with the grower from start to end. Were While this change may seem far off in the future, consider this perspective:devoting significant amount of effort and resources ten years ago, much of the broadly available food innovation came from large,to ensure theres a consistent flow of data into the established consumer package goods companies (CPGs). Through big bangcustomers hands. In many ways we are no differ-brand launches fueled by enormous TV advertising budgets, they wooedent, and we need to partner with our customers consumers and quickly spread the word about their new products. Withoutand provide them the tools and data that will help the internet delivering on-demand information, this meant a lot of people gotthem make better decisions and ensure their prof-the same information and ate the same things at the same time. Fast forwarditability in the same way.10 years, and consumers are now comfortable searching out foods and ingre- How: This approach starts by understanding dients, like a new source of plant-based protein.what happened in a particular growing seasonSo, what does this mean to those of us who are shaping the supply chain by examining product performance along with breeders, growers, and processors to name a few?It means we must re-thinkthe environmental conditions. Then, based on the paradigms, such as yield is king. Consumers have demonstrated that theyaccumulated data, we are developing predictive are willing to pay for premium taste and nutrition characteristics, which createsmodels that will ultimately offer prescriptive rec-margin opportunities for value-added crop attributes.ommendations. With modern data analytics capa-It means that we will need to be more innovative, exploring new markets tobilities, farmers will be able to develop and modify find the next pocket of profit. And, it means well need to maintain a forward- sophisticated playbooks based upon their need.looking perspective in this quickly changing and increasingly competitiveWhy: We are entering into a new phase in agri-environment. There are clues all around us, in our local stores, our social media,culture that will be driven by data originating from and even within our families that demonstrate which opportunities are gainingmultiple sources. Providing growers with reliable momentum and what consumers are likely to add to their future shopping list. and meaningful technical data that will support Ultimately, this is exciting to me personally because I see consumers, pro- their decision-making process will help the seed ducers, and manufacturers all headed toward the samereseller to develop stronger relationships with goala better and more nutritious food system for allcustomers. Seed resellers must build and maintain of us. credibility with customers because they serve as that personal connection.Syngenta Seeds Developments focus is to generate quality data which will undoubtedly make NICOLE BALDERAS farmers lives easier. It will help them make better decisions when it comes to selecting hybrids, VICE PRESIDENT, STRATEGY AND MARKETING,BENSON HILL managing their operations and eventually allow nbalderas@bensonhill.com growers to move to the next phase and adjust their bensonhillbio.com agronomic practices in correspondence with the predicted product performance. 42/ SEEDWORLD.COMFEBRUARY 2020'