b'Working to ensure a consistent seedsupply on both sides of the equator.We go the distance.CanadaHighly trained Canadian seed analystsFully accredited grading & analysis forCanadian & Chilean seed productionProviding timely seed placement todistribution pointsExpertise in export & importrequirementsChileHighly trained contra seasonseed analysts Specialized seedLaboratory Designationstesting packages toCFIA accreditedISTA accredited meet industry needs. ISO 17025:2017 RegisteredCustomized CropISO 9001:2015 RegisteredREGAL Inspection services forAPHIScontaminants difficult toStaff Designationsseparate. Fully Accredited Seed Analysts & Consultation to facilitateRegistered Seed Technologists expedited seed shipments Graders, SICA, ASCIS and LSCI Authorized Canadian &ISTA samplersAE Analysts & EU GradersISF MembersMembers: ISTA, Seeds 2020seedlabs.caCanada, ANPROS, ISF support@2020seedlabs.ca'