b'The new varietiescomprising five cereals and three oil- views the approval as a step forward for the industry, expecting it seedsare designed for diverse agricultural conditions and wereto boost productivity and enhance competitiveness.developed in collaboration with state agricultural universities. AjitDespite the approval, the decision has sparked opposition Kumar Mohanty, Secretary of the Department of Atomic Energyfrom some government bodies, including the Ministry of Climate (DAE) and Chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission, empha- Change and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). These sized BARC\'s role in enhancing farmer incomes and supportinggroups have raised concerns about the potential risks of introducing food and nutritional security. GMO seeds into local agriculture and the impact on Pakistan\'s BARC Director Vivek Bhasin described these crops as a "boonnon-GMO status.for farmers," highlighting their early maturity, disease resistance,Industry insiders highlighted that the previous restrictions climate resilience, salt tolerance, and higher yields compared toseverely affected the poultry sector, with over 60% of companies existing varieties. He noted that Indias wheat production, ofteneither contracting or closing due to the high costs of feed. With challenged by rising temperatures during the grain-filling stage,the new licenses, businesses are better positioned to stabilize feed would greatly benefit from these innovations. supply chains, potentially lowering poultry prices and improving For the first time, BARC has developed wheat varieties,market competitiveness.including Trombay Jodhpur Wheat-153 (TJW-153) and TrombayThe Sustainable Development Policy Institute (SDPI) also sup-Raj Vijay Wheat-155 (TRVW-155). TJW-153, developed withported lifting the ban, warning that continued restrictions could Jodhpur Agriculture University for Rajasthan, is heat-tolerant,exacerbate food security issues, particularly with rising protein costs resistant to fungal diseases like blast and powdery mildew, and idealand growing malnutrition rates.for arid conditions. TRVW-155, created with Rajmata Vijayaraje Scindia Krishi Vishwavidyalaya in Gwalior for Madhya Pradesh,STATUS NEW ZEALANDfeatures enhanced zinc and iron content, superior chapati-making quality, and disease resistance. New Zealand\'s nearly 30-year ban on using genetic modification For Maharashtras saline coastal soils, BARC introducedtechnology outside of laboratories is nearing its end.Trombay Konkan Khara, a rice variety that delivers 15% higherIn December, the Gene Technology Bill passed its first reading grain yields under saline conditions, developed with Dr. Balasahebin parliament and has now been referred to a parliamentary select Sawant Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth, Dapoli. committee for review. Public submissions on the bill are open until The oilseed varieties include Trombay Jodhpur Mustard-217 February. The proposed legislation aims to establish a national (TJM-2), Trombay Latur Til-10 (TLT-10), and Chhattisgarhgene technology regulator within the Environmental Protection Trombay Mungfali (CGTM), all of which promise improved yieldsAuthority.and resilience. The bill\'s introduction has garnered support from several lead-ing scientists who have advocated for the proposed changes.STATUS PAKISTAN Groups that are against the use of the technology, including GE-Free New Zealand, have urged supporters to make submissions on the bill. GE-Free NZ named a lack of liability on the use of the technology, a lack of reference to the Treaty of Waitangi and a lack of separate ethics provisions as possible issues. The Treaty of Waitangi contains principles for the protection of Mori cul-ture. Organics Aotearoa New Zealand called the bills introduction rushed. The group, which includes a number of organic farmers among its membership, says its own commissioned research shows that the move may affect the value of New Zealands brand.In a statement following the first reading, science minister Judith Collins said that gene technology can deliver enormous ben-efits for New Zealand, including access to better cancer treatments and increased productivity for farmers through such things as dis-ease-resistant and drought-resistant grasses and tools to help meet emissions targets. She said the legislation was based on Australian legislation that has been in place since 2000.STATUS THAILANDThe federal government has approved the import of genetically modified (GMO) soybeans, issuing licenses to 39 companies. ThisRapeepat Chantarasriwong, Director-General of the Department decision is aimed at supporting the poultry sector, which relies onof Agriculture, and Manas Chiaravanond, Chief Executive soybeans as a key protein source for animal feed. Officer of Chia Tai Company Limited, signed a Memorandum of The Pakistan Poultry Association (PPA) has welcomed theUnderstanding (MoU) focusing on advancing agricultural research, move, calling it essential for ensuring a stable protein supply, espe- innovation, and machinery to strengthen Thailands agricultural cially after a lengthy ban on GMO soybean imports. The approvalsector under the concept Market-Driven Innovation to Foster followed comprehensive consultations led by the National BiosafetyIncome Growth, in line with Minister of Agricultures Narumon Committee (NBC) and other government agencies. Pinyosinwats policy directives. The ban on GMO soybean imports was initially introduced toThe collaboration will use drones and smart demo plots to address concerns over undeclared imports and biosafety. However,boost crop quality, promoting services through expertise and it led to protein shortages and rising poultry feed costs. The PPAresource sharing. FEBRUARY 2025|SEEDWORLD.COM/EUROPEISEED WORLD EUROPE I 39'