b"Sorting corn cobs. Source: LNZrials into value-added products rather thanGM corn is grown nearby, hybrid seed fieldswill be revoked, and only GMOs approved exporting them in their raw form. They arecould be cross-pollinated, failing to meetby the EU will be allowed.also placing greater emphasis on thoroughlyEuropean quality standards. Since almost calculating the economic viability of theirall of MAS Seeds' production is exportedON THE POSSIBILITY OF operations. to the EU, where GM corn is banned, theRENEWED EXPORT BANSThe sector has, in a sense, comecompany risks losing its business. InMay2023,representativesfrom together: market players are not only com- Trofimtseva points out that withBulgaria, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, and peting but also collaborating, seeking jointthe adoption of the GMO law, the issueRomania successfully lobbied the European ways to access export opportunities orcannot be considered fully resolved. ThisCommission to ban imports of wheat, corn, secure grants and loans. area is dynamic and requires continuousrapeseed, and sunflower from Ukraine. monitoring of legislative and regulatoryThis embargo lasted until September 15, A REVIEW OF SEED INDUSTRYdevelopments in the EU and other major2023, with Poland independently blocking LEGISLATION agricultural producers worldwide. SheUkrainian grain imports within its borders, One of the major steps towards aligningemphasizes that the seed quality and cer- allowing only transit.Ukrainian legislation with EU standardstification system needs to be adapted toMembers of the Seed Association of was the adoption of a law on GMOs. Thismodern realities and EU practices. UkraineUkraine have been closely monitoring the law aims to regulate genetically modifiedshould view the seed industry as one of thesituation and note that, in 2024, exporting organisms, tighten control over their use,technological sectors that create addedUkrainian grain to the EU remains com-introduce new labelling requirements, andvalue. This sector is quite complex, involv- plex. Both the Ukrainian government and enhance transparency. It establishes stateing issues such as the use and protection ofthe European Commission are currently control over issuing permits for GMO use,seed and plant material rights. It is preciselyworking to prevent a recurrence of such along with stricter risk assessment proce- in this area that government attention isbans, but some Central European coun-dures. The law also includes a provision toneeded to ensure Ukraine's full integrationtries are still considering new restrictions. completely ban the cultivation of GM corn,into the European and global seed markets. To address this, the Ukrainian government as well as GM rapeseed and GM sugarGrygorenko highlights that for theis developing an export licensing system, beets, for five years starting in autumnmentioned law to benefit all market partic- aimed at preventing sudden price spikes and 2026. ipants, a series of regulations must be devel- ensuring transparency in export operations.According to Tymoshenko, progress inoped to govern specific aspects of GMO useTo avoid a repeat of these challenges, this area is crucial, especially for corn, as itsand other issues related to the seed sector.a coordinated effort is needed at all levels hybrids are sensitive to cross-pollination. IfUpon joining the EU, all current permits governmental, industry associations, FEBRUARY 2025|SEEDWORLD.COM/EUROPEISEED WORLD EUROPE I 17"