b'FORAGE & TURFExploring AgritaiN: A Natural Approach to Sustainable Forage ProductionCHRISTIAN S. JENSEN Head of Corporate Product ManagementDLFcsj@dlf.comdlf.com@DLF_SeedsIn the rolling pastures of New Zealand, where lush greenery meetsReduction: Compared to traditional ryegrass diets, it lowers the challenges of modern farming, a remarkable solution emerged bythe total dietary nitrogen excreted in urine.plant breedingAgritaiN. Developed with the goal of tackling Delay: By slowing down the transformation of ammonium tonitrogen loss from grazing systems, this innovative plantain offers anitrate, it gives plants more time to absorb nutrients, reducing sustainable way forward for farmers seeking to balance productivityleaching risks.with environmental responsibility.Restriction: Perhaps most impressively, AgritaiN appearsThe problem of nitrogen leaching is particularly pronouncedto biologically inhibit nitrification, further curbing nitrogen in grazing systems. When cows graze freely, their urine can createloss when combined with nitrate-absorbing crops like Italian concentrated nitrogen "hotspots," which easily seep into the soilryegrass.and eventually into groundwater. Recognizing this, researchers inBeyond its environmental benefits, AgritaiN contributes to New Zealand developed AgritaiN, a forage solution that has beenthe farm\'s bottom line. With a deep root system that enhances soil shown to reduce nitrate leaching by up to 89% when used alongsidestructure, improves carbon sequestration, and increases resilience to other forage crops. drought and flooding, it provides reliable forage even in challeng-As AgritaiN made its way to Europe, its role evolved to meeting conditions. Its upright growth and seasonal adaptability extend the unique challenges of indoor feeding systems. In these settings,forage availability into early spring and late autumn, ensuring a its value extends beyond nitrogen management. The plant\'s abilityconsistent supply of homegrown protein.to enhance protein absorption in the cow\'s intestines, lower nitrogenFarmers who embrace AgritaiN are not only investing in concentrations in urine, and inhibit nitrification makes it a valuablesustainable agriculture but also improving livestock performance. addition to modern dairy operations. Healthier animals mean better milk and meat yields, reduced feed But how does AgritaiN achieve these impressive results? Thecosts, and lower reliance on veterinary treatments.secret lies in its four-fold approach to nitrogen management: AgritaiN represents more than just a forage solutionit Dilution: Acting as a natural diuretic, AgritaiN increasesembodies a commitment to productive, environmentally responsible urine volume, dispersing nitrogen over a larger area andfarming that safeguards resources for future generations.reducing harmful concentrations.BUSINESS GROWTHWhat Makes Most People Feel DreadDifficult Conversations!SHAWN BROOK PresidentSeed World Groupsbrook@seedworldgroup.comseedworldgroup.comshawnbrookEven just the idea of having difficult conversations make introverts,Well, in the midst of the discussion, I didnt feel managed, I and extroverts just the sameRUN FOR COVER. Wouldnt itdidnt feel pressured, I felt like someone was helping us to have a be nice to have a system to follow? A way to enhance the chancesconversation that was important to everyone and that had implica-that those difficult conversations go better. tions for future interactions, so it needed to be complete. Good news, A process for having conversations that matter is not only avail- Im still a dad and still have all five kids that love me. But it was a able but is used by successful professionals around the world but thatstrong reminder when I went back to self-evaluate the situation, that said it is a not a snap of the fingers type effort. How do we buildI needed her helpI needed to have someone help me put a system a process for these moments? How do we create an environmentof understanding in place and someone that was from outside the where everyone is clear about where they stand, the next steps, andimmediate situationunderstood the moving parts but was not as ultimately, what the finish line looks like?tightly connected. I get paid to do all those things but when it was I have worked with seed industry professionals from around theMY situation and MY difficult conversation to have, I too needed world on everything from family business buyouts to large multina- support to make it happen. Lessons learned always!tional mergers to internal team issuesall of which created manyBut lets be clear: facilitating a conversation is different from facil-difficult conversations that needed to be managed in a process. So,itating a solution. Conversations are about explorationopening I consider myself to be capable and eager when it comes to thesethe floor for ideas, thoughts, and opinions. Solutions require more situations. HOWEVER, I found myself on the other side of thisstructure. When tackling a problem, you need to define the finish line, the other evening when I was working on a tricky little parentingidentify stakeholders, and determine the process for achieving the goal.issue with one of my five kids and I had my wife as the mediator toIts also important to distinguish between facilitation, medi-assist in managing this challenging endeavour. She skillfully definedation, and moderation. These three roles might share similar skill up front what a process could look like, got buy in from each of thesets, but their goals differ. Facilitators guide conversations to foster respective parties and then not only committed to holding spaceunderstanding. Mediators work to resolve conflicts by finding for each to speak until they felt heard but more importantly wentcommon ground. Moderators shape the flow of discussions, influ-into the scene with a commitment to getting to A finish line notencing the strength and direction of relationships. Each role is vital HER finish line.and knowing when to apply which is critical.FEBRUARY 2025|SEEDWORLD.COM/EUROPEISEED WORLD EUROPE I 29'