b"The Kyiv School of Economics esti- stringent EU standards.mates that the Russian invasion has causedIn this context, Ukrainian produc-$80 billion in losses to Ukraine's agriculturalers have an opportunity to carve out new sector, including destroyed equipment, lostniches in the EU market, particularly in production, and damaged infrastructure. the areas of protein crops and organic prod-Logistics for agricultural producersucts. European demand for these products have not only become more complicated butis rising, and Ukrainian farmers have the also more expensive. While transport routespotential to expand the production of crops for goods are now largely under control inlike soybeans and peas.2024, forecasting logistics costs remains a problem. TASKS FOR THE FUTUREThe labour shortage is another press- One of the main tasks is to adapt to ing issue. According to AgroHub, 64% ofEuropean standards, which have stricter the 121 surveyed agricultural enterprisesrequirements for product quality, environ-are struggling with a lack of specialists,mentally friendly production, and the use of as many Ukrainians have either left theGMOs. Successful harmonization of leg-country or been mobilized. The shortageislation could make Ukraine's agricultural is particularly severe for technical workers,sector even more competitive. Additionally,Serhiy Tymoshenko, CEO of MAS Seeds Ukraineagronomists, and engineers. expanding domestic processing of agricul-Trofimtseva notes that the agricul- tural products will help reduce reliance on tural sector continues to operate in sur- raw material exports and increase the val-vival mode. While some producers may beue-added component of Ukrainian goods.faring better, those in frontline regions areThe export of Ukrainian seeds, which struggling. Overall, the longer the Russianare high value-added products, has been invasion continues, the more challenginggrowing steadily. In 2020, the European the situation becomes for agriculture, withParliament recognized Ukraine's seed cer-resourceshuman, economic, and envi- tification system as compliant with EU ronmentalincreasingly depleted. standards, enabling Ukraine to export seeds of major cereal crops such as oats, barley, FORECASTS ON EXPORT rice, rye, wheat, corn, and sorghum.Trofimtseva believes that Ukraine's path toBut this is only the beginning. Ukraine EU membership will progress slowly butis working towards gaining equivalence steadily, with no chance of turning back.recognition in Europe for oilseeds, beets, Fundamental changes are needed across theand soybeans. These efforts are being entire agricultural sector of a large coun- actively pursued by the Seed Association try like Ukraine. At the same time, theof Ukraine, with strong support from the EU's Common Agricultural Policy is alsoEuropean seed association, Euroseeds, undergoing reforms, which will shape howwhich has been helping integrate Ukraine's Ukraine integrates into the European com- seed industry into the EU market for many munity in the agri-food sector, includingyears. Siuzana Grygorenko, Director of the Seed the seed industry. Among other goals, experts fromAssociation of UkraineShe predicts that exports from Ukraineboth associations are working on devel-to EU countries are likely to remain rel- oping the forage grass segment. By the atively stable, with figures comparable to2050s, Europe plans to allocate 30% of its those of 2023 or 2024. This will largelyagricultural land to these crops, aiming to depend on the overall harvest, which mayprovide both animal feed and contribute be smaller due to adverse weather condi- to soil restoration and broader ecosystem tions, as well as other unpredictable factors. recovery. Therefore, the demand for such According to Grygorenko, Ukraine'sseeds will remain high, and it is crucial agricultural sectorand the seed industryfor Ukraine's state institutions to actively in particularis at a point where chal- engage in developing seed methodologies lenges and opportunities converge. On onefor perennial grasses.hand, the Russian invasion is damagingWhat remains unchanged and crucial infrastructure, disrupting logistics, andis the remarkable resilience and adaptability hindering production processes. On theof Ukrainian farmers, despite everything. other hand, European integration is open- However, further reforms, investments in ing new doors by providing access to a vastinfrastructure, and new technologies are market characterized by high purchasingneeded. Together, these factors will play power, innovation, and modern agricul- a decisive role in forging effective part-tural practices. However, this also meansnerships with European countries and, increased competition with European pro- ultimately, achieving a new economicOlga Trofimtseva, former Acting Minister of ducers, which will require Ukrainian farm- breakthrough for Ukraine's agriculturalAgrarian Policy (2019)ers to enhance product quality and meetsector. FEBRUARY 2025|SEEDWORLD.COM/EUROPEISEED WORLD EUROPE I 19"