b'AG ECONOMICt the 2024 American Seed Trade Association (ASTA) Field A Crop Seed Convention in December, economist Dan Basse of AgResource Company captivated the audience once again FORECAST:with his much-anticipated agricultural economic update, unveiling dramatic shifts in global trade and farming economics.Known for his candid, data-driven analysis, Basse provided a DRAMATICsweeping overview of the economic and geopolitical forces shaping the agricultural landscape, offering insights honed from 45 years in the industry. SHIFTS AHEADGLOBAL GEOPOLITICS AND THE DECLINE OF GLOBALISMFOR GLOBALThe world is changing quickly, Basse began, emphasizing a funda-mental shift in global trade dynamics that could redefine how and AGRICULTURE where agricultural products are produced and sold. For the last 70 years, we had to come up with an idea for a new product, decide where we could produce it the most cheaply, and then sell it to the world. That was capitalism. Today, its not DAN BASSE GIVES THE POPULARso simple.AGRICULTURE ECONOMIC OUTLOOK ATPointing to a decline in globalism, Basse introduced the con-ASTA FIELD CROP SEED CONVENTION.cept of a duopoly, describing an emerging economic and political divide between the United States and China.BY: AIMEE NIELSON, SEED WORLD U.S. EDITOR Weve got two power centers economically and politically developing in the world. Its China and the United States, he said, noting the implications of this shift extend far beyond trade. Globalism is dying. I dont want to say its dead, but its dying.32ISEED WORLD EUROPEISEEDWORLD.COM/EUROPE | FEBRUARY 2025'