b'TOP 10 BEST READ STORIES ONSEED WORLD EUROPE IN 2024Dear readers of Seed World Europe, 8. What an A-maizing Crop Over the past year, we have shared hundreds ofMAY, AUG. & NOV. 2024stories with you. Some were well read, others a bit less, and some just went through the roof. Lets look at what where your most favourite stories on Seedof the past year. Check out the full World Europearticles, by following the link. From 10 to 1, heres our list of best viewed stories.10. How are Varieties Protected in Ukraine? FEBRUARY 2024Corn, also known widely as maize, remains a critical crop used in a wide range of food, feed and industrial applications. As breed-ers continue to make progress, the importance of this crop as well as the diversity of its uses are expected to increase. In 2024, Seed Intellectual Property is crucial to keep the cycle of innovation going.World Europe asked the major European corn breeding companies In times where the challenges are all around us we need to employfor a look in their kitchen and together we dove into the world of every piece of innovation that we have, to mitigate those challenges.corn breeding. We released our findings in 3 parts: Part 1Types, And new plant varieties are a key pillar in that. But these new vari- Markets and Reaching Ever Higher Yields; Part 2Diseases, Pests, eties dont just develop themselves. Breeders need an incentive toNew Threats and Germplasm and Part 3Market Alignment, make those long term, upfront and risky investments into breedingBreeding Innovation and Corn of 2045.Make sure you stay up to better varieties. Plant Breeders Rights is one of those importantdate on corn breeding by reading these three articles.systems to ensure that we can enjoy a steady flow of new, better, andhttps://bit.ly/3EiBhUAlocally adapted plant varieties reaching the global markets. Read this article to find out how plant varieties are protected in Ukraine. 7. Hype or Hope, Regenerative Agriculture http://bit.ly/3WzaQzZ Under the Magnifying Glass APRIL, MAY & SEPTEMBER20249. On the Verge of a New Era in Plant ScienceTheres been a lot of buzz about regenera-Innovationtive agriculture in recent years, with mul-SEPTEMBER 2024 tinational companies and many others all Started in 2023, CropXR consists of, among others, four Dutchpledging to work hard to establish regen-knowledge institutions and the Dutch seed association Plantum.erative agriculture practices in their supply It is a unique public-private consortium that, apart from the uni- chains. To get an inside look at this phe-versities, comprises scientific institutions, industrial partners andnomenon, Seed World Europe checked in technology innovation companies. It aims to make agricultural pro- with seed value chain experts, and we pub-duction less vulnerable to climate change and less dependent onlished it in two parts. In addition, we also checked in with NIAB in artificial fertilizers and chemical pesticides. Find out in this articlethe UK to get a public sector view on this type of agriculture. Read what Hedwich Teunissen, Managing Director at CropXR has to saythe three articles and youre up to date whether it is a hype or a hope.about this initiative and how this is creating growth opportunitieshttps://bit.ly/3WGqPwhfor relevant economic sectors in the Netherlands.https://bit.ly/3WGcQGK30ISEED WORLD EUROPEISEEDWORLD.COM/EUROPE | FEBRUARY 2025'