b"ENSURING AN EFFECTIVEIP SYSTEM IN EUROPECHECKING IN WITH FRANCESCA GARBATO, AFTER ONE YEAR AT EUROSEEDS. BY: MARCEL BRUINSA over a year ago, Francescaplant variety protection and patents has little Garbato joined Euroseeds as theirevolved, showing that these systems can Intellectual Property and Legalcomplement each other effectively.Affairs Manager. Intellectual property is aHowever, there is certainly room for heavily debated topic in Europe, and Seedimprovement, particularly in achieving a World Europe checked in with Francesca, tomore harmonized national implementa-see how she was handling this challengingtion of certain measures. This harmoni-dossier. zation should be realized while ensuring that the European legislative framework is SEED WORLD EUROPE (SWE): YOUsufficiently robust. A stronger legal frame-ARE NOW ONE YEAR UNDERWAY ATwork will ensure that all member states are EUROSEEDS. HOW DO YOU LOOKaligned, promoting consistency and fairness BACK, AND WHAT WERE YOUR BIG- across the sector.GEST SURPRISES?FRANCESCAGARBATO(FG):SWE: WHICH OTHER CHALLENGES Reflecting on my first year at Euroseeds, itARE YOU FACING AT THE MOMENT?has truly been an exciting year filled with aFG: At the moment, I am focused on con-lot to learn. Coming from a different sector,tinuing to learn while doing the best for our I was initially unsure of what to expect, butmembers and the sector in general. I was pleasantly surprised by the depth andA significant challenge is making sure complexity of the work involved in breed- that the interests of our sector, including ing. The amount of dedication and enthu- intellectual property (IP) rights, remain siasm that people in this sector have is trulyown unique set of challenges and obstacles,high on the agenda in all discussions. It's inspiring. making every situation different. crucial that the breeders' voice is heard and One of the biggest surprises for me wasMoreover, the seed sector is a uniqueconsidered in policymaking and industry realizing just how much effort and expertiseand fundamental industry that is not alwaysdialogues. This requires constant advocacy go into the breeding process. It's a metic- well-known to the public. The work we doand communication, especially in promot-ulous and highly collaborative endeavour,is crucial for global food security and sus- ing the implementation of the Euroseeds and witnessing the passion and commit- tainability. The challenges we face and theIP position.ment of our members has been incrediblydecisions we make can have a real and last- I'm also focused on continuing to motivating. ing impact on the world. engage with all stakeholders and institu-tions, particularly regarding IP matters. SWE: WHAT MAKES IT INTERESTINGSWE: IP HAS BEEN A CONTROVER- Building and maintaining strong relation-TO WORK IN THE SEED SECTOR? SIAL TOPIC FOR THE PAST DECADES,ships with these entities is essential for fos-FG: Working in the seed sector is incrediblyINCLUDING IN THE EU. WHAT IS YOURtering collaboration and achieving our goals. interesting for several reasons. Firstly, it is aTAKE ON THE CURRENT IP SITUATIONIt's about creating a network of support and very technical field, but what makes it trulyAND WHERE DO YOU SEE ROOM FORunderstanding, especially in the realm of IP. special is the people. Everyone involved isIMPROVEMENT? Advocating for the solutions in Euroseeds' deeply passionate about what they do, andFG: Intellectual Property (IP) is indeed aIP position, such as the effective use of the there is a wealth of knowledge embedded incontroversial but fascinating topic, espe- UPOV Convention and balancing CPVR every process. This combination of exper- cially in the plant breeding and seed sectorand patents, is a key part of this effort.tise and enthusiasm creates a dynamic andin Europe. It's crucial to find a balance andLastly, a big challenge is to ensure that inspiring work environment. recognize that as the world evolves, so tooan effective IP system is reached in Europe. Another fascinating aspect is the inter- must our approach to IP. The two existingFinding the right balance between CPVR section of new technologies with traditionalIP systemsplant variety protection and(Community Plant Variety Rights) and methods. I observe constant innovation, thepatentscan coexist and facilitate innova- patents is vital. It's about protecting inno-use of cutting-edge technology to enhancetion while respecting traditional methods.vations while promoting fair competition and complement traditional breeding tech- This coexistence is essential for fostering aand access. This includes advocating for niques. This blend of old and new keeps thedynamic and progressive industry. Euroseeds' position on maintaining a robust work both challenging and exciting. Our adopted IP position at EuroseedsIP framework that supports innovation and The diversity of needs and challengesdemonstrates that a balance is possible. Byaccess. depending on the crops and country weadopting new solutions and maintaining work with adds another layer of interest.an open mind, we can achieve significantEditors note: This is an abbreviated version. Each crop and each country present itsimprovements. The interaction betweenFor the full version, see our website.36ISEED WORLD EUROPEISEEDWORLD.COM/EUROPE | FEBRUARY 2025"