b'PARTNER CONTENTTomatoes that Work for You:Transforming Challenges into AdvantagesBY: ALEJANDRO SZECHTMAN, TOMATO PORTFOLIO MARKETING DIRECTOR, HAZERA.T omatoes that Work for You is a new umbrella conceptbrix levels allow these varieties to maintain commercial quality from Hazera encompassing a range of tomato varietiesfor a very long period post-harvest, significantly reducing food that successfully overcome key production challengeswaste.challenges such as a significant increase in production costs,The varieties also maintain uniform fruit size, shape and labour shortage and sustainable agriculturefaced throughweight during the season and are being grown in many different the entire chain. This innovative concept brings to market selectmarkets. This constant supply of quality products offers retailers varieties that offer notable gains in numerous qualities, includinga reliable solution to boost profitability, he says.resistance to disease, reduced labour, enhanced product qual-ity and extended shelf life, minimized food waste and reducedEXCEPTIONAL TASTE AND SHELF LIFEcarbon footprint. These varieties provide important benefits for the consumer as well. With an emphasis on tasty and crunchy tomatoes with LESS LABOUR, BETTER QUALITY extended shelf life, Camelot, Pendragon, Windsor and Nemeton Tomatoes that Work for You varieties require significantly lessdeliver a premium culinary experience and extended storage labour to produce, enabling more efficient crop managementpossibilities.and a more profitable crop as observed in several marketsWhether used in salads, sauces, or simply enjoyed fresh, worldwide over the last five growing seasons (2020-2024). Thethese tomatoes promise an exceptional taste experience full of savings in manual labour can potentially be up to 30%, thanks toflavor and freshness.lower maintenance production processes and improved harvestSince 2020, when the Tomatoes that Work for You concept efficiency delivered by varieties such as Camelot, Pendragon,was launched in Spain, Hazera has achieved constant growth Windsor and Nemeton. in incorporating the concept in all key growing regions in the These varieties ripen on the plant, offering not only benefitsworld (Europe, South & North America, Africa and Asia) with new for efficient and fast picking, but also a harvest-flexibility of upvarieties already launched in those markets and more varieties to every 14 days on average. With these varieties outstandingto come.uniformity and consistency, growers can achieve higher yieldIn conclusion, Tomatoes that Work for You epitomizes a while minimizing unmarketable fruits. win-win-win solution for growers, retailers, and consumers alike.Moreover, the incorporation of ToBRFV resistance in varie- With its innovative approach, Hazera addresses industry ties like Pendragon, Windsor and Nemeton ensures enhancedchallenges and delivers quality solutions worldwide.disease resistance, further contributing to consistent yield and fruit quality.MAINTAINING COMMERCIAL VALUEAccording to Alfredo Messa, Hazeras Product Manager Tomato, the advantages for retailers are equally compelling. QualitiesFor more information about Tomatoes that work for you, visit like extended shelf life, exceptional firmness, shiny skin and highwww.hazera.com/tomatoes-that-work-for-you-landing-page/.FEBRUARY 2025|SEEDWORLD.COM/EUROPEISEED WORLD EUROPE I 15'