b'PARTNER CONTENT60 Years of LG: A FarmersBrand Growing with FarmersBY: MICHELLE CORNU, GLOBAL BRAND & COMMUNICATIONS LEAD; LIMAGRAIN FIELD SEEDSI have just joined Limagrain Field Seeds, and in my first weeks as Global Brand Lead, one thing has become overwhelmingly clearLG is not just another agricultural brand. LG is a farmers brand in every sense of the word. It was created by farmers, shaped by farmers, and is guided every day by those who live and breathe agriculture.And now, in 2025, LG Brand turns 60a milestone that reflects six decades of trust, innovation, and partnership. But this anniversary is not just about celebrating the past. Its about the farmers who built this journey, the ones who continue shaping it today, and the next generation who will take it forward.BORN FROM FARMERS, GUIDED BY FARMERSBefore stepping into this role, I knew that LG Brand was part of Limagrain, a cooperative founded by farmers in Limagne Val dAllier, France, in 1965. But what I didnt realize was just how deeply this farmer-led model defines everything LG does.Limagrain is owned by 1,300 farmers, and 14 out of 15 board members are active farmers. Every seed variety developed, every investment in research, every strategy put in placeits all shaped by the people who work the land themselves. Farmers are not just customersthey are the foundation of the LG Brand. ThisBacked by 61 research centers worldwide, Limagrain Field farmer-first mindset is why LG has remained trusted in 77 coun- Seeds reinvests a significant part of its annual turnover into R&D, tries for six decades. It listens, it adapts, and it puts farmers firstensuring that LG delivers the best genetics, seed treatments, and in everything it does.digital tools. This includes biostimulant treatments like Starcover The story of LG is the story of farmers, says Rgis Fournier,in Europe and digital solutions like Agrility, designed to help CEO of Limagrain Field Seeds. It began with LG 11, a maizefarmers maximize yield while using fewer resources. You under-variety that transformed fields in Northern Europe. Over the dec- stand it now, at LG sustainability is not a trendits a responsi-ades, the brand has grown into a global symbol of progress,bility. The goal is to support farmers in producing more, while but our mission remains unchanged: to serve and grow togetherpreserving the land and the environment for future generations.with farmers.A CELEBRATION OF FARMERS AROUNDCROPS AS DIVERSE AS FARMERS FIELDS THE WORLDOne of the first things I realized about LG Brand is how well itAs I step into this role, what excites me most about this anniver-understands the reality of farming. No farmer grows just one crop,sary is how we will celebrate it. LGs 60th anniversary isnt just and no two regions have the same challenges. Thats why LGsabout looking backits about honoring the farmers who made portfolio is as diverse as the farmers who rely on it. this journey possible.With four global cropscorn, wheat, sunflower, and oilseedAcross the worldfrom Brazil to China, from South Africa to rapeLG Brand provides the backbone of agricultural productiv- Denmarkwe will bring together farming communities to share ity. But farming is never one-size-fits-all. Thats why LG also offerstheir stories, explore new technologies, and strengthen the con-a range of tactical crops, including barley, soybean, millet, rice,nections that define LG. This celebration belongs to every farmer and pulses, each tailored to specific regions and climates. Fromwho trusted us, grew with us, and made LG Brand a part of their drought-tolerant maize in Africa to high-yield wheat in Europe orstory, says Rgis Fournier. specialized rice varieties in Asia, LG Brand meets farmers whereAs I step into this journey with LG Brand, I am inspired by its they are, ensuring they have the right tools to grow sustainablypast, proud to be part of its present, and excited for its future. and profitably.So today, lets celebrate this special birthdaya brand created This balance of global expertise and local adaptation isby farmers, led by farmers, and used by farmers.what makes LG a partner farmers trust season after season.INNOVATION FOR A BETTER TOMORROWOne thing that struck me in my early days here is LGs relentless drive for innovation. But heres what makes it differentits not innovation for the sake of technology. Every advancement hasTo learn more about LGs journey, visit: one goal: to serve farmers better. www.lgseeds-europe.comFEBRUARY 2025|SEEDWORLD.COM/EUROPEISEED WORLD EUROPE I 25'