b'where farmers play a crucial role, but arent the only funders of seed devel- HOW WHEAT BREEDING IS FUNDED AROUNDopment, Hubbard says. Its a sharedTHE WORLDresponsibility that all stakeholders have to play a role in.Graf agrees, but notes that manyAustralia: Wheat breeding in Australia is mostly funded by end point royalties. In the other stakeholders dont necessarily havepast, growers got new varieties from public breeding programs. Since the 2000s, the same vested interest in ensuring thatprivate companies have taken over breeding.new wheat varieties continue to improve. France: Certified wheat seed in France is produced by 100 private companies or He suggests that unfortunately, mostcooperatives. Almost all wheat seed comes from protected varieties. Farmers pay of the burden will fall on the producer,royalties on saved seed through a levy on their grain harvest. This system is backed despite benefits throughout the value- by an agreement between breeders and farmers, approved by the government.chain and to the Canadian economy. Germany: There are about 130 seed companies in Germany, with 60 focused For wheat breeders, long-term fund- on breeding and 30 specializing in cereals. Wheat is grown on 7.7 million acres, ing stability is essential. A three- orproducing 2025 million tonnes yearly. Nearly half of the wheat seed is certified, five-year funding cycle is insufficient forand royalties are collected on certified and farm-saved seed, though collection rates meaningful innovation, Hubbard notes.vary.The Role of the Private Sector United Kingdom: Over half of U.K. wheat is planted with certified seed, with royalties Historically, government plant breed- built into its price. Farmers using saved seed must pay royalties directly to breeders. ingand publicly-funded breedingThese payments are managed by the British Society of Plant Breeders (BSPB).in general like that done at universitiesUruguay: When farmers buy seed, they sign a contract with breeders about howhas shaped Western Canadas wheatsaved seed can be used. Payment is due only for seed thats sown. Auditors visit industry. Most wheat varieties availablefarms twice a year to confirm usage, and the system is tracked online for breeders to in the West are from public institutions,collect royalties.with very few being bred by privateSource: International Seed Federationcompanies.Currently, there is a single private entity carrying out wheat breedingLimagrain Cereals Research Canada (LCRC), a joint venture between FrancesWatch/listen to our recent panel discussion from the CrossRoads Crop Conference atLimagrain and the Manitoba-basedseed.ab.ca/crossroads-2025Canterra Seeds. Today, at just 30 years old, LCRCs wheat breeder Andy Chen, based in Saskatoon, Sask., is making his mark,just to match public programsits toing an environment where public and helping shape the future of privatelygo beyond and bring farmers additionalprivate entities can thrive, we can secure developed wheat varieties in Canada. value, Chen explains. Thats critical fora competitive future for Canadian wheat Chen studied in the U.K., diving intointroducing new varieties and ensuringbreeding.wheat genomics during his PhD and gain- our breeding program stays strong forThe time to act is now. Farmers, ing fresh insights into breeding from athe future. industry leaders, and policymakers need European perspective. While in the U.K.,Looking ahead, LCRC is working onto come together to build a system that a meeting with Jason Reinheimer, LCRCsbringing innovations like an herbicide- works, Graf adds. Inaction will gradu-former wheat breeder, opened the door fortolerant wheat to farmers. ally erode our competitiveness but by the Chen to step into his current role. time its noticed, it will be very difficult Now leading LCRCs wheat breed- Farmers as Drivers of Change to recover. ing program, Chens team is pushingWith federal budget constraints loomingWhether its adopting an EPR model, boundaries to develop varieties thatand the possibility of a new governmentspinning off AAFCs wheat breeding into meet farmers needs. LCRC has alreadyin Ottawa, waiting passively is not ana quasi-private entity, or creating entirely released several wheat varieties includingoption, Graf says.new frameworks, the goal is the same: CS Accelerate and CS Daybreak. BothIts far better for the industry to takeensure Canadas wheat industry remains are under the Variety Use Agreementcontrol than to scramble reactively if anda global leader.(VUA) platform, which allows farmerswhen cuts are imposed. Weve got some of the best breeders to save seed for replanting while payingThe wheat industry in Canada hasin the world, Hubbard says. But they a royalty. the tools, talent, and motivated produc- need long-term support to keep deliver-In private breeding, our goal isnters to lead this charge, he says. By creat- ing innovations that benefit everyone. JANUARY 2025 SEEDWORLD.COM/CANADA 5'