b'RETAIL STRATEGYdrive ZoomAgris technology. Japp adds.Traditional DNA methodsPeter Watts, managing of identifying barley varieties,director for the CMBTC, such as genetic testing, arehighlights the broader benefits.time-consuming and expen- This technology can sive. Mitchell Japp, researchscreen for issues early, saving and extension manager forthe industry time and money SaskBarley, says AI-drivenwhile complementing DNA identification technologytesting for confirmation.like ZoomAgris could reallyOlha Zahoruiko, malting change the game for barley& laboratory technician for farmers when it comes tothe CMBTC, has firsthand grain processing, for example. experience with the technol-When a producer deliversogy, having previously piloted grain, a sample gets taken andit in Ukraine.shipped for testing. By theThe accuracy has time results come back, theimproved significantly since Agustin Uranga serves as LATAM & North America Commercial & BizDevgrain is already gone. If it failsthose early trials, she notes. Manager for Argentinas ZoomAgri. the purity test, producers loseNow, its up to 98%, and as valuable marketing optionsmore samples feed the algo-they might have had, he says rithm, it will only get better.To watch our full-length webinar on this very topic, This delay poses a bigThis improvement is cru-visit seedworld.com/AI-identity-verification challenge for producers andcial for addressing real-world grain elevators, especiallychallenges. For example, when varietal purity is ain 2022, Canadian malt-key determinant for marketing barley samples exhibited acceptance. Enter AI-basedhigh impurity levels, causing purity in malting barley, forunnecessary transportation,variety identification technol- logistical headaches. With AI, example, malting companiescutting the carbon footprint. ogy like ZoomAgris. Withsuch issues could be resolved have reported significantthe ability to deliver results inmore efficiently, she says.savings in water and energyA Collaborative Effort just two minutes, this systemOf course, industry adop-during the germinationZoomAgris Canadiancould be potentially deployedtion hinges on demonstrating process.journey wouldnt have beenat grain elevators, allowing forthe technologys reliability Purity guarantees morepossible without its partners,immediate testing as trucksand integration into opera-homogeneity, Uranga notes,including the CMBTC andline up. tions. Watts emphasizes that which reduces waste andorganizations like SeCan.If a sample fails the test,there are no regulatory barri-inefficiencies. These collaborations areproducers can avoid unload- ers to hamper adoption of the Additionally, accurateessential for building and vali- ing and reassess their mar- technology, but operational variety recognition minimizesdating the AI algorithms thatketing options on the spot,alignment is key. SUPPORTED BY: ENDORSED BY:36 SEEDWORLD.COM/CANADA JANUARY 2025'